Tuesday September 22, 2009 3:12 pm
Jennifer Aniston Dated a Mormon
Love knows no religious bounds for Jennifer Aniston, who once dated a Mormon.
The Love Happens actress finds the religion—an offshoot of Christianity which encourages men to have more than one wife—very interesting and was keen to get to know her religious former boyfriend better.
Jennifer, who was married to Brad Pitt and has since dated Vince Vaughn and John Mayer, said: “Mormons are fascinating… I dated a Mormon once.”
However, when she was told there would be “no sexy time” or “no vodka,” Jennifer changed her mind, saying, “Leave it at that.”
The former Friends star—who is rumored to be romancing her The Bounty co-star Gerard Butler—has also given potential suitors advice on what drink to buy her at the bar: “Vodka’s what I drink. That’s my drink of choice actually. It’s a clean, um, liquor, yes. You know, no sugar.”
- Related Tags:
- brad pitt, dated, dating, gerard butler, jennifer aniston, john mayer, mormon, mormons, vince vaughn
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