Thursday May 8, 2014 4:22 pm
Emma Roberts “Scared” About Court Appearance
Emma Roberts is "scared" about appearing in court after she was recently stopped by a police officer while driving.
The Wild Child star has a court case looming after she was pulled over in Los Angeles and ticketed for talking on a mobile phone and driving without a license. However, the 23-year-old actress insists she was wrongly accused by the officer and she was actually chomping on a bagel, rather than nattering on her phone.
"I'm eating my bagel and driving and this cop on a motorcycle is driving and I see him and I smile because he's looking at me, and before you know it the lights are flashing and I'm like, 'Who are they pulling over?' Then I realise it's me. He [the officer] goes, 'I just saw you talking on your phone.' I'm like, 'No, no, no, I was eating a bagel. My phone's in my purse.' But he was like, 'I've heard a lot of stories but eating on the bagel ... I've never heard that one,'" she recalled when appearing on Jimmy Kimmel Live.
The blonde beauty was then issued a ticket before being asked by the police officer to see her driving license: "I was like, 'Oh my God, my house flooded so I don't have my license.' He still didn't believe me, so he wrote me a ticket for both of these things. Now I have to go to court and I'm scared!"
However, Emma claims she has evidence to prove she wasn't talking on her mobile at the time of the incident. "When I got the ticket it said 'talking on a black iPhone' and my iPhone is hot pink," she added.
- Related Tags:
- court, emma roberts, interviews, jimmy kimmel live, legal issues, police, tickets
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