On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

Thursday October 29, 2009 7:05 pm

Edward Norton Not Big on Social Networking

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Movies, Charity,

Edward Norton thinks social networking sites are like “torture.” Unlike many other celebrities, the Leaves of Grass actor has never written an internet blog because he hates the idea of people cyber stalking him.

“I haven’t personally really engaged in a lot of this new kind of social networking stuff like Twitter or Facebook or MySpace,” the 40-year-old star explained. “I mean, the notion of people following what I am doing every day is like torture for me. It’s absolutely the last thing that I’m looking for. It seems to me to be really just about social chatter.”

Despite his web worries, Edward agreed to sign up on Twitter to help raise money for his favorite charity, the Maasai Wilderness Conservation Trust.

“It’s a good example of a way that you can turn that platform into something where you actually can accomplish something good,” he added to Parade magazine. “It’s my first attempt. We’re putting our running training log on Twitter. You can see can see pictures too on the site there. The trust conserves the wildlife and culture of the Maasai tribe of Kenya, Africa.”

(FYI - You can also follow VIP Breakdown on Twitter.)



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