Sunday September 23, 2012 11:37 am
Cynthia Nixon Shunned Wedding Traditions
Cynthia Nixon and her wife didn't obey tradition on their wedding day.
The actress married her long-term partner Christine Marinoni in New York in May and Cynthia revealed the couple didn't try to keep their outfits a secret from each other before the ceremony and even got ready together on their big day.
"My wife and I were not at all traditional about not seeing each other before the wedding. I sent her pictures from my various fittings. I won't say what she said to me about it - it's personal - but she said many nice things. The day of the wedding, we dressed together at the venue with our kids upstairs."
However, the couple - who raise 19-month-old son Max, as well as kids Samantha, 16, and nine-year-old Charles from Cynthia's marriage to Danny Mozes together - did follow tradition in some respects: "I did hold on to a different tradition. I managed to wear something borrowed, a brooch that's an heirloom in my wife's family; something blue, my sapphire ring; something new, my dress and something old, me."
- Related Tags:
- christine marinoni, cynthia nixon, gay marriage, interviews, wedding gowns, wedding news, weddings
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