Sunday December 4, 2011 12:26 pm
Brooke Mueller Arrested and Charged
Charlie Sheen's ex-wife Brooke Mueller has been charged with intent to distribute drugs and assault.
The reality TV star - who has two-year-old twins, Bob and Max, with the former Two and a Half Men actor - was arrested in Aspen, Colorado on Friday after being found in possession of a large amount of cocaine. A spokesman for the City of Aspen and Pitkin County Police said, "Officers with the Aspen Police Department were on a routine walk through when they contacted a woman who reported an assault which had taken place. The woman identified Brooke Mueller as the aggressor. Mueller was arrested and charged with assault in the third degree and possession of cocaine with intent to distribute."
If she is found guilty in the drug charge, Brooke - who has battled drink and drug addictions in the past and has received treatment in rehab - could face up to six years in prison. "When someone is found to have more than a certain amount of the drug they are charged with intent to distribute," a police spokesman said.
Brooke has now been released after posting her $11,000 but must return for a District Court hearing on December 19.
- Related Tags:
- arrests, assault, brooke mueller, charlie sheen, cocaine, cocaine possession, drug possession, legal issues, mugshots
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