Thursday April 26, 2012 2:55 am
Bobby Brown Sentenced to Probation for DUI
Bobby Brown will not face any additional jail time for his arrest for Driving under the Influence (DUI) last month.
The singer was initially arrested in March after police noticed he was driving while on his cell phone in California's San Fernando Valley, but after pleading no contest to one count of driving with a blood alcohol content of more than 0.08, prosecutors have dropped the charge.
He has instead been sentenced to 36 months of summary probation and one day in a county jail - which he has already served. In addition, he must complete a 90-day alcohol course.
Bobby blew 0.12 during the sobriety test and in California that is considered legally drunk. Speaking after his arrest, his attorney Tiffany E. Feder claimed he was taking the situation "seriously."
"Everyone is innocent until proven guilty and Mr. Brown was not driving erratically. He was speaking on his cell phone. Mr. Brown has not been convicted of anything associated with this incident. Mr. Brown is taking this matter seriously and an investigation is underway. The legal process shall run its course," he said.
- Related Tags:
- alcohol, bobby brown, courts, drunk driving, duis, legal issues, probation, sentences
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