Tuesday April 17, 2012 12:48 pm
Amanda Seyfriend and Josh Hartnett Split?
Amanda Seyfried has reportedly split with Josh Hartnett. The 26-year-old In Time actress has apparently called time on their four-month fling because she is too busy filming Les Miserables in London while Josh is over in New York.
"Amanda's been flying home to Los Angeles when she's not in the studio. She has been trying to see Josh but it hasn't worked. She decided to end things," a source told The Daily Mail.
The pair first hooked up in January after being introduced by mutual friends, and were recently spotted taking a romantic stroll on the beach with Amanda's dog Finn. However, the Mamma Mia! actress' change of heart means she is once again alone, although she admits singledom had its plus sides:
"In the past, whenever a relationship of mine ended, my friends would tell me to be single for a while - that it would be good for me. You don't have to check in with anybody except your mother, and there's all this freedom. You realise how many pressures come from being with someone."
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- amanda seyfried, break ups, break-ups, celebrity couples, josh hartnett, rumor, rumors, sidefeatured
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