Wednesday May 20, 2009 3:34 pm
Cameron Diaz rarely flushes the toilet
Cameron Diaz doesn’t believe in regularly flush the toilet after each use. Cameron does all she can to be environmentally friendly, and believes it is a waste of water to flush every time she relieves herself. “I do follow the, ‘If it’s yellow leave it mellow, if it’s brown flush it down’ saying. I believe in that 100 percent. But there are a couple of rules. You can’t go more than two or three times, if it’s consecutive, if you’re drinking a lot of water, without flushing. But if you have coffee or something, it’s going down!” Good to know, Cameron.
The 36-year-old actress—who drives a Toyota Prius, a hybrid electric car—has been interested in green issues since she was a child, and credits her parents with making her environmentally aware. As she explained on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, “It’s one of those things that is just a lifestyle choice. I was brought up that way so it’s something that I automatically do. I’m rigged that way.”
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- cameron diaz, environmentally friendly
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