Wednesday August 13, 2008 1:16 pm
Young Love

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Movies, Music, Television, Break-ups, Hook-ups, Child Stars, Features,

In the upcoming issue of Seventeen magazine, pop princess Miley Cyrus talks about her heart-breaking split with Nick Jonas and remains positive for a future with the tween sensation. We non-celebs keep up with the changing couples in Hollywood….but doesn’t it seem like some splits are just a little harder to take than the rest?
Over the years, young stars are often pairing up and breaking apart. Which couples caused us to root for them the most, created the biggest headlines…and suffered the worst break-ups?
That’s right - it’s time for another Top 5. Let’s visit the past to look at the hottest young couples through the years - which pair did we love the most?

Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher
For a brief time in 1980, Han Solo really did win the heart of a princess and romance was born in a galaxy not so far away. Alas, Ford went on to lasting movie stardom and younger women, while Fisher has had to remain content with supporting roles and children’s books.
Demi Moore and Emilio Estevez
These two good-looking Brat Packers had it all going for them in the 80s, including true love. It seemed certain they might share at least a few years in the spotlight together, but Moore abruptly ended the engagement in 1987 and promptly married then-TV actor Bruce Willis the same year. We all know how that eventually turned out.
Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens
These two young celebs met in true Hollywood fashion - when they were auditioning for roles in Disney’s High School Musical. The pair became an off-screen couple in 2006, gaining the adoration of tweens and teens throughout the country. Details on the pair’s current relationship remain a little sketchy - but they don’t seem to be regularly dating anyone else.
Johnny Depp and Winona Ryder
Fair skin, dark hair and brooding looks weren’t the only thing Depp and Ryder had in common when they first hooked up in 1990. Their matched looks and shared off-screen personalities as being somewhat odd made this power pair seem perfectly suited…until they split three years later. Depp went back to dating models, and we’re not sure where Winona is these days.

Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears
These two poppy, apple-pie kids met on the Mickey Mouse Club - and what could be cuter than that? Everything seemed great until the couple ended their four-year relationship in 2002 and Britney turned into a tabloid queen. Timberlake moved on to older woman (like Cameron Diaz) and Brit’s still picking up the pieces from her disastrous marriage to Kevin Federline.
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i am also a big fan of miley .
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