Wednesday December 31, 2008 3:06 pm
Will Emma Watson Give Up Acting?
Come 2011, Emma Watson will have starred in 8 successful Harry Potter films and generated enough money to dabble in any indie project she likes. But will we ever see the actress in a nude Broadway performance a la Daniel Radcliffe?
In a recent interview, the college bound 18-year-old admitted she was uncertain where her future would take her. Since Emma never really had thoughts about getting into acting in the first place (she was only nine when they found her “out of nowhere”), she’s not sure if the profession is something she’ll eventually stick with. “Just because this has happened to me doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the right thing,” Watson said. “I’ve come from a background of lawyers and academics. We didn’t watch films in our household.”
So what’s up next for the Tale of Despereaux star? School. Although she won’t be joining Daniel on a NY stage anytime soon, Watson could still be making an extended trip to the States. It’s believed that Emma - who was seen touring Harvard a few months back - may be attending an American university in Fall 2009.
Read More | Daily Mail
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- college, emma watson, harry potter, harvard, school
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