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Monday December 20, 2010 9:01 am

VIDEO: SNL Pokes Fun at Time, Zuckerberg and WikiLeaks Founder

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Television, Videos,

Magic happens when two skits -- and two extremely strong Saturday Night Live cast members -- get together.

On Saturday’s holiday episode, Andy Samberg reprised his Mark Zuckerberg impersonation, only to be interrupted by Bill Hader’s slighty mad version of Julian Assange … and it was fantastic.

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Samberg goofily grinned as the billionaire Facebook founder, thanking Time for their decision to name him Person of the Year. He was quickly interrupted by Hader’s leering version of Assange, who gets a little bit funnier every time he appears on the show.

After aiming a few zingers at Time for their decision (“Time magazine, always on the cutting edge … discovering Facebook only weeks after your grandmother”), he moved on to Zuckerberg and Facebook.

With luck, the WikiLeaks founder will remain in the headlines … and we can keep getting Hader’s hilarious impersonation.



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