On Gear Live: 2024 Nissan Z Nismo Review

Wednesday August 26, 2009 10:52 am

Victoria Beckham Avoids Walking, Chooses Buggy

Victoria Beckham rides in a buggy at Heathrow

Ever wonder how Victoria Beckham got around in those heels all the time? Judging by her buggy ride at London’s Heathrow Airport, apparently she gets some help!

Strapped into a buggy used for the elderly or disabled, Posh was snapped up by paparazzi taking a ride across the airport. Then again, it may just be all of her traveling—it’s strenuous work trotting the globe in style.

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Heathrow Regular Flyer Heathrow Regular Flyer 9/16/14 1:16 am

Honestly I don’t blame her that much, dragging two kids across an airport is stressful enough without the paparazzi to worry about!


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