Wednesday June 23, 2010 11:28 am
Tiger Woods Jokester Grounded By FBI
A mocking banner reading “Tiger: Are You My Daddy?” did a quick fly-by over last weekend’s US Open, a jab at the golfer which seems to reference the paternity suit filed against Tiger Woods earlier this month. The pilot was supposed to make a second pass of the golf course, but he says he was stopped…by the FBI.
A second sign reading “Happy Father’s Day Tiger LOL” was supposed to fly, but the tower made contact with the pilot with a message from the G-men. The pilot says he was “strongly urged” to “depart the area” ASAP - which he did immediately.
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The owner of the plane company says he has no idea why the FBI would take such actions, but the matter is being investigated. The FAA says the FBI would only get involved in such matters if there was a suspicion of “criminal activity.”
Naturally, the FBI was unavailable for comment.
- Related Tags:
- affair, affairs, fbi, golf, gossip, paternity suit, rumors, scandal, scandals, sidefeatured, sports, tiger woods, tiger woods paternity, us open
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