Monday November 16, 2009 9:19 pm
Taylor Swift Chooses Scented Candles, Diary Over Dating
While she sparkles on the 3D cover of December’s InStyle issue, Taylor Swift squashes some dating rumors on the inside pages.
“I’ve never thought it was a curse to be single, and at this point in my life, I’m in the mind-set where I choose to be single—like I got to light scented candles and write in my diary and I wouldn’t have time for that if I had a boyfriend right now!” the multiple CMA winner said.
Throwing us off her and Taylor Lautner’s scent, eh? Well, considering all the evidence surrounding their clandestine relationship, it’s going to take more than an interview (most likely taken some time ago) to deter the rumors.
As she boasts about loving the single life, Swift didn’t hesitate to gush about working with Lautner: “He and I have gotten really close. It would be confusing on the set with two Taylors in the same scene. They were like, ‘Taylor, on your mark—no, not you, the other one!’ So halfway through the shoot, I said, ‘How about you guys call me Swifty and call him Taylor?’”
Too cute!
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- celebrity gossip, celebrity news, couple, couples, dating, gossip, instyle, instyle magazine, interview, magazine cover, magazine covers, rumors, taylor lautner, taylor swift
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