Wednesday December 16, 2009 11:29 am
Reese and Jake Officially Split
Despite their publicists squashing initial reports of Reese Witherspoon’s and Jake Gyllenhaal’s break-up, the sad truth is that the A-list couple is no more.
“They needed time to figure it out and they were on different coasts. When they were finally together, they talked it out and decided they’re not going to be together anymore,” a source said.
Don’t be looking for any sordid affairs here—one source claims that the split was friendly and that no one else played a part in it: “There are no other people involved. The relationship just ended. It just fizzled. But they also wanted to be careful and private about it because of Reese’s kids.”
So what of those wedding rumors sparked by Reese’s supposed engagement ring? Apparently, according to the source, Jake never popped the question!
Jake’s Sesame Street stint makes so much more sense now…
Read More | E! Online
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- break up, break ups, break-up, break-ups, breakup, breakups, jake gyllenhaal, reese witherspoon, split, splits
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