On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

Thursday May 22, 2008 2:18 pm

Nick Bollea Realizes Jail is Hard

Nick Bollea mug shotAfter serving just a mere few hours of his 8-month jail sentence, Nick Bollea (a.k.a. Nick Hogan) realized that incarceration was not entirely what he had expected. Apparently ‘s son didn’t think felony reckless driving was that serious a matter.

In this just released transcript, we learn how a tearful Nick dealt with his first day in the clink:

Nick Bollea:  “Had I known this, I would have rather gone to trial or I would rather, you know, appeal the case or something.  I can’t deal with this for eight months.  It’s (Bollea’s cell) like the size of my bathroom.”

Linda Bollea (Linda Hogan):  “Oh!”

Nick:  “No windows or nothing.  Just one little top bed thing.”

Linda:  “Oh my God!”

Nick:  “All you do is sit there and think, and there’s nothing to think about.”

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Linda:  “We’ll get through it.”

Nick:  “Yeah.”

Linda:  “Prove to everyone you’ve learned your lesson and be more careful.”

Seriously. There’s nothing to think about? Maybe he should be appreciative about having a room the size of a bathroom. How about the fact that he can go to the bathroom? I’m sure his injured friend (John Graziano) - the guy who’ll now need lifetime medical care - would love to have it that easy.



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