Thursday November 19, 2009 12:25 am
Miley Cyrus Hates Twilight, Pop Culture in General
“I’ve never seen it and nor will I ever.” That’s what Miley Cyrus recently declared about the Twilight series of films.
Although it would seem perfectly natural for this 16-year-old to be obsessed with the Stephenie Meyer’s books, the Last Song actress is apparently much cooler than most girls her age. During a recent interview with an Ohio radio station, Cyrus said there is nothing about the vampire storyline appeals to her.
“It’s a cult. I don’t believe in it,” Miley said. “I don’t believe in it. I don’t like vampires. I don’t like any of the stuff. I don’t like the wolf that pops out of the screen when I’m watching my TV at night. I don’t like it. I don’t want anything to do with it. I don’t like the shirts. I don’t like any of it.”
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But what exactly is it that she doesn’t like? Is it because she’s easily scared? Or she just thinks bloodsuckers overall are stupid?
“I feel it’s like, seriously, it’s like people get like really into it. And maybe it’s ‘cause I’m like people always like fall in love with the characters, I don’t know. It makes me not like, I don’t know. I’m not into it,” Cyrus explained. “But I feel really lame ‘cause everyone’s like so excited and I’m like not gonna talk about it.”
These remarks might have come as a surprise if it hadn’t been for other interesting comments she made recently. During an interview conducted last month, the “Party in the U.S.A.” singer actually admitted that she had never heard a Jay-Z song. (Uh—what rock in Tennessee has she been hiding under?) She then went on to say: “I don’t listen to pop music and I, like….it’s not even my style of music.”
Huh, that’s funny. The last time I checked iTunes, Miley was listed under the pop category while Jay-Z was considered “Hip Hop/Rap.” Maybe she should have her managers work on getting that fixed.
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- jay z, jay-z, jayz, miley cyrus, pop music, sidefeatured, twilight, video, videos
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WHY do people still like her? She just seems like an awful human being.