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Wednesday June 10, 2009 4:39 am

Meet the Blagojevich Family

Rod and Patti Blagojevich

Thirty is the new twenty, white is the new black, reality is the new scripted TV, politicians are the new superstars, and impeachment is the new comedy act. Or at least, it’s all working for Rod and .

The (former) Illinois governor won national media attention for his attempts to (allegedly) sell ‘s former Senate seat. Now, he’s apparently ready to start winning laughs with his act for Chicago’s comedy troupe The Second City.

Impeached last January, Blagojevich has managed to turn his public fall from grace into a full-blown celebrity career that even includes wife Patti, cast member on .

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Folks, it doesn’t get more ridiculous than this. Rod R. will now participate in the group’s “Rod Blagojevich Superstar,” which, as the name implies, is something of a spoof on the musical Jesus Christ Superstar. Though the show was supposed to finish up its run June 14, it’s now been extended to August 9…and apparently, the sky’s the limit for publicly disgraced politicians.

Blagojevich himself was supposed to join the cast of Celebrity in Costa Rica, but federal judges didn’t really think that would be a great idea. Instead, Rod sent wife Patti to the jungle in his stead, where she’s played the part of the loyal partner to the hilt by maintaining her husband’s innocence. He was impeached in a unanimous (59-0 votes) decision.

The former Governor is getting paid an undisclosed sum for his appearance in Chicago, at least part of which will go to benefit Gilda’s Club, a cancer support foundation created by former SNL cast member Gilda Radner.


Forum Discussion

yes, but a rather unusual area im interested in what they are doing with their money and the actions they take when a major event takes place

I love politics -- it has such a lasting and widespread impact on our lives, and politics is the one arena where you can really express your opinion and stand up for what you believe in. For awhile I even considered political science as a possible major in college, but I opted against it for a more science degree. Politics is a great topic to debate too (which I love debating) as long as you keep it civil and respect the other persons opinions. Often there are no "wrong" opinions in politics, just different ways of approaching the same problem, so all of those in Congress should realize that they're all wanting the same solution, and they need to put aside their differences and work for the common good!

lol i try not to get into debates, im too stubborn and ill deeply frustrate people XD anyway, is there any particular area of politics you guys are interested in?

I don't go either, I like to keep up-to-date with politics as it's a pretty much everyday conversation that goes on about them. So I like to keep myself informed so I don't come off as an uneducated guy. However whether you like it or not, politics are like taxes and death. They will always be around..

hehe your post made me think, sounds weird to say im interested even though i dont stay up to date but u cant really say ur interested in politics as a whole, because there are so many aspects to keep track of its like sports, usually ur interest in a particular one, or multiple but not every single one

I sometimes am and sometimes i just don't give a crap,so i think im undecided.man i need to make up my mind.i don't want democrats to win though,i find them lazy (im lazy too,but its different).Dont know why.

I personally do not like politics because I find it, yes, a tad confusing and boring. I think politics is important in our lives, but learning about it? Oh wow, I get totally zoned out and well, I end up not paying attention. So, you guys can all guess that I don't read the politics section in the newspaper. ;)

Not really to much debating going on. People lie to get what they want to much drama for me. I really was never into politics. Democrat, Republican who really cares, I dont. To much of a big deal for me and I can live my life without it. You vote them in and they still make the same mistakes as others have in the past or do whatever they want and forget about the people so I dont pay any attention to them.

well the way i see it, of course every pres will mess up somewhat because we have high standards but when you think about it, every decision to a 2 sided problem will be critisized by everyone send troops to iraq? were making war for no reason and families are getting killed dont send them? were not doing enough and practically letting terrorists do what they want with no consequences

I actually don't like politics at all.There are obvious reasons for that.But not all country's political system is same.In our case, nearly everyone is corrupted. :(

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