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Tuesday May 20, 2008 5:12 pm

Lindsay Lohan: From A-Lister to Fur-Stealer?

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Movies, Clothing, Legal Issues, Rumors,

Lindsay Lohan in fur coatChild star-turned tabloid queen is making headlines again, though not for any upcoming movie roles. A student at New York college, Masha Markov, is suing the former teen queen for mistreatment of the former’s fur coat. Whether Lohan is accused of borrowing or pilfering the coat isn’t immediately clear.

Markov does have the fur coat (which has an estimated worth of $12,000 according to Markov’s legal counsel) in her possession. However, the lawyer claims Lohan “had the coat for several weeks” and that it now bears a tear in the lining and an unspecified stain. The coat was purportedly a gift from Markov’s grandmother.

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Lohan’s publicist said “this is crazy!” when asked about the lawsuit. “Why can’t everyone leave her alone?” Now, now, let’s not start that all up again.

A celebrity and a fur a coat equals press. What’s that mean? Naturally, PETA quickly found a way to get involved - grabbing media attention is every bit as important to that group as animal rights. In a letter sent to Masha Markov, PETA member Dan Matthews wrote “That coat belonged to dozens of animals that were electrocuted, gassed, strangled, drowned or beaten to death just so you could try to appear wealthy.” The letter further suggested Markov watch an anti-fur video and then donate the coat to the homeless.

This suggestion, in its way, could also be deemed offensive, but I haven’t the time nor inclination to get into all of that now. The point is that Lindsay Lohan is being sued for a fur coat that’s worth less than twenty grand because she wore it for a little while. I’ve got a real simple solution: market the fur on eBay as an authentic article Lohan wore. Agree to settle the suit if Lindsay personally endorses the coat (and models it) with an accompanying video or photo spread. This would earn much more moolah than a time-wasting, albeit high-profile, lawsuit. If you’re going to reach for celebrity, at least go about it in the way that’ll fetch the biggest bucks.


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