Thursday March 19, 2009 1:38 am
George W. Bush Decides to Write a Memoir
![George W. Bush](
George W. Bush, the forty-third president of the United States of America, will put his thoughts to paper in a new memoir. The working title of the book is Decision Points, and the AP is reporting that it should be ready for publication sometime next year.
“I want people to understand the environment in which I was making decisions,” W. said over the phone to Associated Press reporters. “I want people to get a sense of how decisions were made, and I want people to understand the options that were placed before me.”
Bush famously coined the phrase “The Decider,” a title which he gave himself in defense of his War on Terror. Evidently, the book will explain to the public just what being The Decider means - in Bush’s mind, anyway. The memoir will explore a wide range of decisions, including his vice president selection of Dick Chaney.
No financial details on the book have been released.
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- book, books, dick chaney, george w bush, george w. bush, memoir, memoirs, president, president george bush, president george w. bush
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