Thursday July 31, 2008 11:42 am
Entertaining Politics

Politicians are not celebrities. Celebrities are not politicians. ...Or, are they? The fur is really starting to fly in the election. Presidential candidate John McCain has likened Barack Obama to Britney Spears and Paris Hilton. Rappers who support Obama have released tracks dissing John McCain. What happens when politics and celebrity mix? Nothing good.
In one of his political ads, McCain seems to be trying to undermine Obama as a presidential contender - calling him a star instead of the vehicle of change Obama claims to be. It isn’t odd for politicians to use celebrities to further their own cause, and it isn’t even odd for celebrities to decide to become politicians.
So maybe it’s even the norm for celebrities and politics to mix…but should they? Sometimes, celebs can do much more harm than good when they back a certain candidate.
E! Online
(Warning: the following clip contains offensive language and themes)
In a recent song, Ludacris asks to be put in office by Barack Obama, nominating himself as a Vice President for the latter. He talks of painting the White House black and urges black people to get out and vote. In the song, he names George W. Bush as the worst of 43 presidents in U.S. history. Though the tune is obviously a well-meaning support speech for Obama, much of the language is offensive.
Obama’s camp has replied that the song is “outrageously offensive.” Obama rep Bill Burton said that “Ludacris is a talented individual, but he should be ashamed of these lyrics.”
Superstar Nas has also spoken out for Barack Obama against FOX News, an organization which often seems to have Republican leanings. The singer collected signatures from more than 600,000 people who share his feelings about FOX News, which he calls “a propaganda machine.” Several times, anchors at FOX News have slipped up and addressed the candidate as “Osama” instead of Obama - and though they correct themselves when the slip is made, it seems to occur with frightening regularity.
FOX News is owned by the Fox Entertainment Group and currently reaches more than 85 million American homes.
- Related Tags:
- ads, barack obama, britney spears, election, fox news, george bush, george w bush, george w. bush, john mccain, ludacris, mccain, nas, obama, paris hilton, politics, sidefeatured, voting
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[quote author="BuckeyeFanatic25" date="1212572999"]Well, it seems like it has definitely divided the Democratic party, which is good or bad depending what side of the political aisle you are on... but yes this nomination has gone on way too long, and while it was exciting for politics in general, it is time to move onto the general election. Clinton needs to drop out immediately and back Obama if the Democrats want to win in the fall (which they should because of the toxic environment for Republicans these days...)[/quote] Well i am sure Hillary will go an support Obama against the Republicans. They need unity now since it is a very very important election.
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Well, it seems like it has definitely divided the Democratic party, which is good or bad depending what side of the political aisle you are on... but yes this nomination has gone on way too long, and while it was exciting for politics in general, it is time to move onto the general election. Clinton needs to drop out immediately and back Obama if the Democrats want to win in the fall (which they should because of the toxic environment for Republicans these days...)
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nice, this is who i'm voting for
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[quote author="34skyline" date="1212572340"]nice, this is who i'm voting for[/quote] This is good for America and for the world, we need a change and maybe this election is the change. We all know Obama will not be the best, but he will be a starting point for the future!
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