On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

Sunday August 14, 2011 2:07 am

Corey Feldman: ‘Pedophilia is Hollywood’s Biggest Problem’

Former child star Corey Feldman recently sat down for Nightline's special report, Underage And Famous, and revealed that his longtime co-star and friend Corey Haim -- who died of natural causes in March of last year -- was the victim of child molestation at the hands of a huge Hollywood mogul.

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"The number one problem in Hollywood was, is and always will be pedophilia... It's all done under the radar... But it's the big secret... I was surrounded by them when I was 14 and I didnt even know it. It was only when I was old enough to know what they were. They all had either their own power, or connections to great power in the entertainment industry."


Feldman blames the unnamed Hollywood pedophile for Haim's death: "The person that knows who did it and knows who he is is watching right now I guarantee you. There was a circle of older men that surrounded themselves around this group of kids. And they they had power or connections to great power in the industry... There's a lot of good people in this industry and there's a lot of really, really sick corrupt people in this industry. And there are people that have got away with it for so long that they think there above the law and that's got to stop."



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