Wednesday January 12, 2011 1:00 am
Conrad Murray: Ordered to Stand Trial for Michael Jackson Manslaughter
His legal defense seemed a little shaky from the word go.
Dr. Conrad Murray, the physician who cared for pop star Michael Jackson during the singer’s final days, has been ordered to stand trial for involuntary manslaughter. Murray claimed that Jackson injected himself with a lethal dose of Propofol, but the judge has ruled that Murray's case will continue.
Meanwhile, Murray has been stripped of his medical license. Members of the Jackson family (Katherine, Janet, La Toya, Jackie, Jermaine and Marlon) were present during last week’s hearing, which ended in the current ruling. “I’m happy so far,” said La Toya of the events.
Testimony in the hearing took six days, where more than 20 witnesses were heard for the prosecution. No witnesses were called for the defense during the hearing.
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The hearing wrapped after two doctors testified on Murray’s actions, saying that even if Michael Jackson injected himself with the drug, Murray is still liable for the resulting death. If Murray is convicted of involuntary manslaughter at his trial, his medical license will be permanently revoked and he could face a maximum of four years in prison.
Murray’s arraignment is scheduled for January 25 at 8:30 in the morning. His bail is currently set at $300,000.
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