On Gear Live: 2024 Nissan Z Nismo Review

Wednesday June 10, 2009 12:57 am

Chloë Sevigny Wants to Design for Hermès

Chloe Sevigny for Opening CeremonyApparently Big Love star Chloë Sevigny is returning to her fashion roots. She recently made several remarks in an interview, heavily speaking about her desire to design a luxury line.

“I’d like to do something with a high-end company. You know, the way that Sofia Coppola did with Louis Vuitton. I thought it was very cool. There were no labels on anything. I like that. I prefer it,” she told the interviewer.

When asked by WWD about who she would like to collaborate with, she laughed at her far-reaching answer: “Hermès, maybe? That might be reaching a little high. Actually, NaNa would be a great collaboration!”

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The model-turned-indie film queen already has two lines for Opening Ceremony under her belt and a fashion sense that is heralded across fashion blogs all over. It wouldn’t surprise me if her dream gig with Hermès comes true.

I do, however, also think that a collaboration with Marc Jacobs at Louis Vuitton is not out of the question. He does, after all, have quite the pension for celebrities (am I the only person who sees Madonna‘s Louis Vuitton campaign as another attempt to hold on to her youth?).

If anything, we should be happy that she’s not trying to bombard Target with a designer line.



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