Friday November 9, 2012 12:56 am
Brooke Burke-Charvet Opens Up About Thyroid Cancer Diagnosis
TV personality Brooke Burke-Charvet, one of the hosts from Dancing with the Stars, has revealed that she has been diagnosed with thyroid cancer. The 41 year-old mother of four took to YouTube (video shown above) to tell to her fans about how she discovered that she has cancer and the upcoming surgery she will undergo to treat it.
Knowing that she'll soon have a large scar across her neck after the surgery, the former model decided to be proactive about let her fans know what's going on with her firsthand: "I don't get to just walk around and pretend like nothing happened or not follow up or not share it, because it's going to be pretty much dead center. I don't want anybody to read about it and get the wrong idea, or think that I'm sick, because I'm not."
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While revealing the shock of the diagnosis - which came after a regular physical exam - the former Dancing with the Stars contestant remains optimistic about the outcome of her surgery:
"I've booked my surgery. It's taken me a couple of months to really wrap my head around this... Now I'm good. I'm ready to deal with it, and I'm going to be fine. I feel really, really strong. Doctors say this is a 'good' kind of cancer to have... My doctor did tell me this is a happily ever after ending kind of thing."
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- brooke burke, brooke burke-charvet, cancer, health, health issues, hosts, medical issues, reality stars, video, videos, vlogs
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