Saturday April 5, 2008 11:25 pm
Beyonce and Jay-Z Now Married
Although no official announcement has been released, all signs indicate that Beyoncé Knowles, 26, and rapper Jay-Z, 38, are now indeed married.
After the two were spotted securing a marriage license earlier this week, it was just simply a matter of when. The couple’s decision to wed on Friday night (4/4) may have been a matter of the date’s significance. She was born on September 4th; he on December 4th.
According to online reports, the musicians apparently had a small private ceremony earlier in the evening before a much bigger bash that night. (Tents erected on the roof of Shawn Carter’s Tribeca apartment building indicated something was going to happen.) Several celebrities - including the girls from Destiny’s Child and Gwyneth Paltrow - were also seen in the area.
Well, until they come out and fully admit the news - I’m going to go ahead and congratulate them anyway. Cheers!
E! Online
- Related Tags:
- beyonce, beyoncé, beyonce knowles, beyoncé knowles, destinys child, gwyneth paltrow, jay z, jay-z, jayz, marriage, rapper, shawn carter, singer, tribeca, weddings
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