On Gear Live: 2024 Nissan Z Nismo Review

Thursday January 29, 2009 12:11 am

Bart Simpson: Scientology Recruiter?

Tonight, Bart Simpson is the subject of controversy…and it was for something he actually didn’t do.

, the woman behind the iconic cartoon character, recently used her talents for something not exactly sanctioned by FOX. In the clip above, the long-time Scientologist lent her voice - and Bart’s - in an automated call used to promote a Scientology event.

“This is not authorized by us,” Simpsons executive producer Al Jean told the Hollywood Reporter. “ does not, and never has, endorsed any religion, philosophy or system of beliefs any more profound than Butterfinger bars.”

It’s not known what actions, if any, the network may take against Cartwright or the organization at this time.

Read More | The Hollywood Reporter



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