Sunday June 2, 2013 3:05 am
Awkward Photo of the Day: Leonardo DiCaprio “Incognito” in Venice
It's hard to tell if Leonardo DiCaprio is testing out his Halloween costume early or legitimately trying to detract attention from himself. If it's the latter, he really should consider some other less futile disguises.
The Great Gatsby actor took to the streets of Venice in an simplistic black mask and sunglasses (apparently in order to walk around unnoticed). DiCaprio - who was previously promoting his latest film at the Cannes Film Festival and is now taking time off in Europe - was quite a sight when he was determined to eat a slice of pizza without removing his mask.
(You can find more “awkward” photos here.)
Read More | Daily Mail
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- awkward photo of the day, costumes, disguises, leonardo dicaprio, masks, paparazzi, photos, vacations, venice
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