Tuesday September 9, 2008 1:19 pm
Alec Baldwin vs. My Name is Earl

When Hollywood’s teen starlets engage in a feud, it’s usually over some hot young male celeb. When mature female stars squabble, it’s usually about publicity - and which one of them has a book out that talks about the feud. When well-established males in the industry start trading catty comments like a couple of kids…that’s entertainment.
Alec Baldwin started the brawl of the comments in the New Yorker. In Baldwin’s lengthy New Yorker profile, the actor launched into a gripe aimed at NBC shows My Name is Earl and Scrubs. Baldwin can currently be seen on NBC show 30 Rock, but after this one has to wonder for how long. When speaking of 30 Rock, Baldwin said, “if the show does succeed, it’ll be something of a [expletive deleted] miracle, because NBC hasn’t done a [expletive deleted] thing to help this show at all.” He further went on to state that NBC has “gone out of their way to wring the last drops out of My Name Is Earl and Scrubs. Those shows are done! They’re cooked! Yet they do a one-hour episode of Earl. You’ve got to be [expletive deleted] kidding me.”
E! Online
The creator of My Name is Earl, Greg Garcia, wasted no time in shooting off his reply. His answering comments appeared on Defamer.com, suggesting that perhaps more people would watch 30 Rock if Baldwin, himself, was more likeable. “30 Rock is a really funny show. And Alec Baldwin is funny as long as someone else is writing his words. When left to his own devices, he sounds like a psychotic narcissist who whines about being rich for 8 pages in the New Yorker,” said Garcia.
He went on for a while about Baldwin’s character as a person before saying, “it makes me thankful to have such a wonderful cast on My Name Is Earl, a show that is still going strong and has helped bring an audience to 30 Rock over the last few years. You’re welcome, Alec. Oh, and the reason NBC occasionally puts on an hour-long episode of Earl is because an hour of Earl gets better ratings than an Earl followed by a 30 Rock. It’s called math, stupid.”
Yeah, wow.
Alec Baldwin then answered via the Huffington Post Web site, saying: “My apologies to the cast and crews of My Name Is Earl and Scrubs. In my frustration with NBC’s reprehensible promotion of 30 Rock, I took an unfortunate swipe at both of those shows and that was not cool. But, for Earl‘s creator, Greg Garcia, who referred to me as a ‘psychotic,’ I have only one question. Why are you Scientologists always rendering these medical opinions you aren’t qualified to give?”

And it doesn’t end there! Greg Garcia has already quickly come up with a retort, and it’s a real doozy. Garcia went to another site - Gawker - for this most current response and I’d like to say, here and now, that if either of these gentlemen would like to use GearLive’s comment section to continue your feud, I’m sure all the readers happily welcome and support these intentions. Anyway, here’s what Garcia said:
“Alec, I can’t tell you how happy I am to once again point out that you are an idiot. I’m unable to answer your question about Scientologists because, although I respect anyone’s right to their own beliefs, I am not currently nor have I ever been a Scientologist. Maybe you should have done some research that extended past the comments section of Defamer before you crafted your insult.” Oooooh, burn.
“If you choose to attack me again may I suggest something witty about me creating the show Yes Dear or just simply a joke about the fact that I’m bald. Both true. As far as you being psychotic, anyone who thinks NBC wouldn’t do everything they could to promote a great show like 30 Rock, which they own, over a show like My Name is Earl, which they don’t, is a tad nutty. Good luck with the Emmys and don’t forget to tune in for the one hour season premiere of My Name is Earl September 25th.”
And so we wait for Baldwin’s reply - provided that his publicist hasn’t already tackled him, tied him to a chair and torn all the computers out of his house.
- Related Tags:
- 30 rock, alec baldwin, comments, defamer, feud, feuds, gawker, greg garcia, huffington post, my name is earl, nbc, new yorker, profile, scrubs, sidefeatured, television
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