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Monday February 16, 2009 11:57 am

Octuplets’ Grandmother Speaks Again

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Videos,

In a new interview with CBS’ The Early Show, Angela Suleman painted a much better picture of her daughter (“Octo-mom” ) than the one she made last week.

During her first chat with RadarOnline.com, Angela - who may have been paid $40,000 for her comments - called Nadya’s actions “unconscionable.” The frustrated grandmother added, “She really really has no idea what she’s doing to her children and to me.”

And though she is still not willing to house all 14 children, Angela is now calling her daughter a “good mother.” “You can resent your daughter just for so long, then you see that she’s trying so hard to take care of these children,” she explained.


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