On Gear Live: Circuit Breaker: The Tech Newsletter that Elevates Your Gadget Game

Wednesday April 9, 2008 2:34 pm

Are Sean and Robin Wright Penn Back Together?

Sean Penn, Robin Wright Penn

We’ve surely seen some strange relationship news over the past two days. 

Although he just recently went public with model Petra Nemcova, it appears Sean Penn may be closing the chapter on his bachelor lifestyle.  According to Extra, the actor and his wife, , have had a change of heart about their upcoming divorce.

The couple announced back in December that they would be putting an end to their long-running marriage.  The actors, wed since 1996, have two children together - Hopper Jack, 14, and Dylan Frances, 17.

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The Penns - who were expected to appear for their first court proceeding this April 21 - asked yesterday for their petition to be dismissed.  This move comes shortly after the two were seen together recently at an Eddie Vedder concert in San Francisco.

I just hope this decision is the one that sticks.  I really don’t feel like updating their story again.



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