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The Internet is a crowded place, and as you will notice, it is hard to develop a truly original idea that someone else is not already doing. That being the case, your individuality needs to stem from your own originality. One of your main goals should be to stand out from the pack, positioning yourself in an optimal spot in your marketplace. Here are a few tips on gaining that edge:
- Go with something you know. The more knowledge you have about the sector you hope to enter, the greater the chance that those seeking out that information will find your site to be a resource. If you can prove that you know your craft, you will build credibility and a strong rapport with your visitors.
- Go with something you love. Building on the first concept, if you can develop something that you are not only knowledgeable about, but are also passionate about, you will gain a nice personal fulfillment from your work. The fun you are having will come across in your work to your readers, as you will likely be more excited about the effort required to make it a success. You will also be able to come into contact with others who share your passion, again making your venture that much more rewarding.
- Provide a cost-free resource. Whether you are writing articles or selling merchandise, web surfers are attracted by content which they do not need to pay for. Whether that is an ad-supported RSS feed or a merchandise giveaway, give your visitors a reason to not only be excited about your online presence, but to want to return to see what’s next.
- Respect your visitors. The one thing plaguing the internet these days is spam. Your visitors want to know that any information that they give you will not be sold or shared with a third party. Put up a privacy policy, and be sure to explain your intentions. If you can gain your visitors’ trust, you will then gain their loyalty.
Working on narrowing down all the aspects of your online presence can be mind-boggling. While you may have your ideas right on the tip of your tongue, it is very common to come down with a case of the startup “writers block”. When this happens, it is always a good idea to grab a pad and paper and start surfing. Find those websites which you want to take after (or take over!), essentially refreshing your market research. Scribble down the taglines that interest you, note down impressive design schemes, and start developing your own ideas based off of this information. One great resource you can use is, as just about any concept you can think of can be found using tags. Remember, ideas are not something that can be copyrighted, but just about anything else can be. When doing your brainstorming, be sure to respect the intellectual property of those sites you visit.
Do Your Initial Market Research To Get The Edge

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Features, Planning,
Many Internet businesses are started by people who have only a casual knowledge of the inner workings of the medium. The world wide web is a global, interconnected network of information which people can access from just about anywhere - home or work, computer or cell phone, wired or wireless. This gives you one clear advantage running a business on the Internet over running it in a physical office or brick-and-mortar storefront - unlike a business or resource one would have to travel to, yours is only a click away. There are a few things you should look in to before jumping in head first.
Click to continue reading Do Your Initial Market Research To Get The Edge
Sprint has finally started a hushed down rollout of their EV-DO high speed wireless service. They have recently turned the service on in the Port Columbus International Airport, Charlotte International Airport, Columbus, Ohio, and Kansas City. The next cities scheduled to receive Sprint’s EV-DO treatment are Las Vegas, New Orleans, Cleveland, Raleigh-Durham, Des Moines, and St. Louis. While this is certainly a move in the right direction for Sprint, one of the last ones to enter into the high speed mobile data services, they have yet to release any EV-DO capable phones onto their network, therefore you will need to use the Sierra Wireless Aircard 580 card to use the service.
Seattle Gets Pre-WiMax Via Speakeasy

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Business Tools, News,
Businesses based in Seattle has a new high speed data alternative available to them which launched this past week. Speakeasy has put a Pre-WiMax antenna at the top of the world famous Space Needle. In conjunction with Intel and Alvarion, Speakeasy has made it known that the high speed network will cover a five-mile radius around the city’s most famous landmark, offering customers two data plans to choose from. Bruce Chaterly, Speakeasy CEO, announced that this is the biggest deployment of this technology thus far in North America with six towers in total having been erected in the city. Of course, with bleeding edge technology comes high prices. For a 3.0 Gb bandwidth plan, the price is $500 per month. There is also a 6.0 Gb plan which can be had for $800 per month. At first glance, this looks a bit steep - however, many companies pay about $500 per month for a 1.5 Gb T1 connection. Check out the details on Speakeasy’s WiMax page.
One of the main stumbling blocks of anyone looking to get into the online business game is a lack of motivation to do so. After all, the Internet seems to have everything that one needs, be it e-commerce storefronts or informational services. While this may be the case, the Internet is a virtual hotbed for business growth. Newspaper readership is dropping, as people continue to migrate to online services to find their information in a quick and concise format. With broadband acceptance growing exponentially each year, the time is now to capitalize on the market. One thing you cannot count on is that those surfing the web will immediately be willing to patronize your online presence unless you are able to pinpoint and establish a service or product with which one can identify as a resource which they have been missing. Come up with a unique idea, do a bit of market research, and then brainstorm on how you can bring something to the table that will meet a need.
Venturus is a trend-setting web magazine, launched in May 2005, devoted to providing an all-inclusive resource for those looking to learn about starting, managing, and monetizing an online business. We provide news and commentaries related to all facets of doing business on the Internet. Our readers enjoy our timely coverage, and honest approach. In this day and age, every major company has an Internet presence - but with the vast array of consumer level tools, any individual can get online and begin making money in a variety of legitimate ways. With a great idea, investment capital, and a good PC with the right mix of hardware and software, you have just about all you need to get started on your way to success. Whether you are just getting started, or have been running an online business for years, the content you find on Venturus will be relevant.
Venturus is written and edited by Andru Edwards.
Venturus is committed to providing in-depth content, including textual and audio interviews. If you would like us to profile you or your online business, please contact us.
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