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$100 Off Blog Business Summit Registration Fee

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Announcements, Blogging, Business Tools, Product Offers,
Okay Mind Campers, we have a bit of a treat for you. The Blog Business Summit conference is happening here in Seattle at the Bell Harbor Conference Center from October 25-27th. We were able to get special discounted rate for anyone who wants to attend. Simply put, if you would like to mingle with the major movers and shakers in the blogging world, this is the place to be. By using our link and coupon code, you will get a $100 discount off of the entrance fee. Here are the details:
Head on over to The Blog Business Summit and click on “Register Now” at the top of the page. During the checkout process, enter coupon code AESM06 to receive the $100 discount.
If you know anyone else who may be interested in attending, feel free to forward this information to them!
Video is starting to take off in a big way on the Internet, what with services like Google Video, YouTube,, and others. If you have access to a camera and a Mac, the video lesson from the French Maid Podcast (above) should serve you well to beginning your way to creating video for the Internet. Wanna make money? Upload your videos to Revver for a revenue share.
Anyone out there doing video for the Internet? Feel free to share the tools you use, or other general tips.
A great metric tool for a webmaster or site owner is knowing how popular and important their pages are to search engines. A great tool for figuring this out is the Site Explorer utility available from Yahoo!. What Site Explorer does is give you a listing of all indexed pages within a site, in order of importance. You can use this to see what subjects you should cover on a more regular basis, and also can use it to spark some creativity. For example, if you know that two really old pages are highly popular, you may want to highlight them in a new post, or in a dedicated “Hot Stories” section on your site. This helps new readers find your popular content without having to go through a search engine.
The video above gives you a look at the Site Explorer tool, and gives a bit more information on link popularity.
Read More | Yahoo! Site Explorer
Turn To Attempt To Give Adsense A Run For It’s Money

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Blogging, Business Tools, News,
Looks like a new startup is going to attempt to steal away some of Google’s Adsense members. The new company is called “Turn,” and will be led by Jim Barnett who served as Altavista’s CEO in the past. With $10,000,000 in startup capital, Turn just might have what it takes to make a dent. Of course, Yahoo! Publishing Network is already trying it’s hand at taking down Adsense, as will be MSN’s AdCenter once it hits the states. It’s a good time to be an Internet publisher. Turn will be located at
Read More | Turn via ProBlogger
So you are an in-the-know Internet entrepreneur, and have all the lingo down, right? Remember that major companies are starting to take notice as well. Large companies are being tuned in to the blogoshpere, and are dipping their toes into RSS. The thing is, their use and yours, for the most part, are very different. There is certainly room for everyone on the vast world of the interweb, but it’s always good to know the approach that the larger firms will likely be taking.
But corporations that want to use the web strategically to build corporate value will not just need to make radical cultural changes, they may also need to master a new vocabulary with terms such as Wikis (software that allows anyone to update and edit web pages instantly and democratically); Weblogs (online journals more commonly known as blogs); and RSS (really simple syndication) feeds, which distribute content from the Internet.
Read More | Wikis, Weblogs, and RSS
If you are a blogger, or plan on getting into blogging, check out this guide recently put out by the Electronic Frontier Foundation. It details all of the legal aspects of blogging, and gives you an idea of how to go about posting certain information or stories.
The difference between you and the reporter at your local newspaper is that in many cases, you may not have the benefit of training or resources to help you determine whether what you’re doing is legal. And on top of that, sometimes knowing the law doesn’t help - in many cases it was written for traditional journalists, and the courts haven’t yet decided how it applies to bloggers.
They have information on all sorts of different aspects of blogging as journalism - from securing press passes, to printing information deemed as confidential. It is definitely worth a look.
Read More | EFF Legal Guide for Bloggers
If you haven’t heard of GnomeDex, it is an annual meeting of influential minds on all things related to the Internet and making it profitable - software, hardware, technology, concepts, brainstorming, strategies, etc. This year I will be on hand to live blog GnomeDex 5.0, emanating from Seattle, WA. GnomeDex describes itself as:
What is Gnomedex…
- Business Models Brought to Life
- The People Aggregator
- A tap into the Conversation Economy
- Movers, Shakers, & Deal Makers
- Thought Leaders, Industry Influencers, Entrepreneurs
- Continuous online conversation and PR
- Important for new, existing company strategies
- Essential for the success of Internet businesses
The festivities begin on June 23, and go on through the end of the weekend on the 25th.
Read More | GnomeDex
If Forrester’s is correct - and they usually are - it appears that 64% of U.S. advertisers are willing to would advertise on blogs. While that is an excellent piece of news, get this: 57% of these advertisers are also interested in buying RSS ad space. With the recent release of Google AdSense For Feeds coupled with this news, it appears that RSS is ready to take the jump into the realm of profitability.
Read More | ZDNet
Google AdSense has truly become the love of the Internet as far as monetizing a website goes. It is simple to apply for, and incorporate into any website. With a bit of tweaking, you can instantly add hundreds, if not thousands of dollars to your revenue using this tool. Recently Google has moved AdSense For Feeds into beta. This product is simply used to place Google AdSense ads into your RSS feed, providing an easy way to monetize RSS. A few larger blogs have been accepted into the beta program, including Weblogs, Inc. and Lockergnome. Google requires that a site have at least 100 RSS subscribers in order to be accepted into the program, but they have been turning down sites which have many times more than that minimum requirement. If you have an RSS feed and an AdSense account, you can apply for AdSense For Feeds.
Read More | AdSense For Feeds
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