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Saturday May 14, 2005 5:09 am

WYSIWYG Web Design

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Business Tools,

If you have limited knowledge of HTML, the chances are good that you won’t be able to open up Wordpad and code a terrific website. If you are going to run a business on the Internet, it is good to at least get your feet wet when it comes to web design. One very easy way of doing this is to use a WYSIWYG web editor. WYSIWYG stands for “What You See Is What You Get” and is pronounced “wizzy-wig”. Using a WYSIWYG editor allows you to see how your page will look to visitors over the Internet as you design it. You have formatting toolbars that can play with text, images, and forms with just a few clicks instead of having to remember HTML tags. If you want to take simple web design for a spin, check out Microsoft FrontPage, Macromedia Dreamweaver, or Adobe GoLive. If you want something free, check out XStandard.

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