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The Internet industry is booming and offers opportunities galore for internet businesses. Internet businesses are not just for computer whizzes anymore, not just for people with multiple college degrees or a rich background in business. Internet businesses are a viable economic solution to anyone owning a computer and willing to research their options. There are many benefits to owning an Internet business, and the list below contains only the very few to scratch the surface.

Click to continue reading Experience the Benefits of an Internet Business


FeedShareVirtually every online merchant has an affiliate program these days. Even with a big shift in spending towards pay-per-click advertising, affiliate marketing has remained strong and is expected to grow by 30% over the next year (according to a Piper Jafrey analyst).

But offering your affiliates typical text/banner ads to promote your products is becoming less and less effective. An increasingly popular method of boosting affiliate performance has been the use of data feeds. Data feeds are basically data exports of a merchant’s inventory which affiliates use to create virtual store fronts. Many of the largest online retailers such as Amazon and Overture provide data feeds to their affiliates not only because they are a relatively inexpensive marketing tool but because they work.

More after the jump

Click to continue reading “Feed” Your Affiliate Program

A great article was in the Seattle Times, talking about Philip Kaplan and how he became an Internet millionaire while other dotcom companies were going bust left and right. Philip currently runs AdBrite, a site where anyone can buy adspace on any of the sites in AdBrite’s network. His original site, FuckedCompany.com (FC) is where he made it big.

After the company he worked for won a $1 million bid for a project he could do for a fraction of the cost, he says, he left to start his own company, PK Interactive, out of a rented loft. He soon had four employees and more business than he could handle, as clients desperate for Web sites came in promising big contracts.

“It got so ridiculous that I was like, there’s no way this is going to last,” he says.

Read the whole article by following the link below.

Click to continue reading Philip Kaplan: Self Made Internet Millionaire

Jow Kraus has put up a great article on why it is a great time to be an entrepreneur. If you think about it, it’s so true. Compared to just ten years ago, things are so much cheaper thanks to advanced technology and the open source movement. To give that more impact, Excite.com took $3,000,000 to get from idea to launch. JotSpot took $100,000. That means that Excite needed 30x more cash to reach their goal than JotSpot did. That is a big deal. Remember, it is a lot easier to raise $100,000 in capital than it is to raise a whole $3,000,000.

Click to continue reading It’s A Great Time To Be An Entrepreneur

One of the keys to a successful site is the text you place on it. Personally, I am a stickler for spelling and grammar. One thing that I liked about this article is that it points out that what you say is just half of it - it’s also how you say it. The way you arrange the text on your site can be the difference between a success and a failure. Here’s a snippet:

Be direct. If you sell software, call it software and describe exactly what it does. Fluff like “The enterprise management solution leading in value, implementation and functionality” tells the reader nothing. (BTW, I pulled that from a real site.)
So true, it hurts. For all seven tips on writing web copy, check out GreenEye Wire.

Click to continue reading Seven Tips For Writing Copy For The Web

A few days ago we posted our first of what we hope to be many podcasts, where we spoke with Box.net founder Aaron Levie. Now, with the release of iTunes 4.9 with podcasting capabilities, we are included in their podcast index. The hard way to find us is to check out the Business category, and look under the Management sub-category for “Venturus”. Of course, if you are more hip than that, just go ahead and use the subscribe link below. If you have any suggestions for the podcast, drop us a line at andru [at] venturus.com.

Click to continue reading Venturus Podcast Now On iTunes

When thinking about content, oftentimes people concentrate on the textual and visual parts of their website. One thing you must also keep in mind is the method you will use to allow your visitors to find it all. A search box is one of the best pieces of “content” that you can put on your site. It is a simple field that allows a reader to enter a search query, which then uses scripts to check an index of your sites content and displays any matching terms. This puts your visitor in control of their experience, and makes your site interactive. Nowadays, there is no excuse not to include one - just about every website package software includes built-in tools to implement one - and if you don’t like it, you can use the Google search box which is included in Google AdSense as well; it will even earn you money.

Click to continue reading A Searchable Site Is Key

I have used Post-It Notes for more than just simple message taking in the past, but this article nails it. One thing about being an Internet business owner is that you can easily be distracted by email, as well as the vast world of the Internet. One thing you can do to keep on task if write out what you want to accomplish each hour/sitting/day and keep it right next to you or on the bezel of your monitor. As you accomplish each task, cross it off and move to the next one. Once the list is all cross out, you are good to go. It really is a viable alternative to software-based task lists.

Click to continue reading Use Post-It Notes To Aid In Productivity

Between 75% and 98.8% of visitors to Web sites come from searches made at search engines. If you’re going to get high levels of traffic - and hence the levels of ROI you’re looking for - it’s very important that the search engines can access all the information on your Web site.

Do the search engines know about all of your pages?

Click to continue reading Do Search Engines Like Your Web Site?

If you are in the business of publishing or manufacturing computer hardware or software, be sure that you are well read on the US restrictions on the export of some of these products. On the Internet, it is much easier to cater to an international audience, since anyone in the world can find you with the click of a mouse. You may export commercial products that use encryption keys without an export license to “individuals, commercial firms, and other non-government end users in any country except for the seven state supporters of terrorism.” That being said, your product must be evaluated under a one month long technical review process.

Click to continue reading Hardware and Software Export Restrictions

