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This Week on TV (11/23-11/29)

Charlie Brown Thanksgiving

(Make sure to check out TV Envy’s Programming Schedule.)


MONDAY (11/23)
  • Little People, Big World (TLC, 8pm):  “Molly fails a Spanish test and decides to stop speaking English until she masters the foreign language.” And you didn’t think anybody learned anything on this channel.
  • Two and a Half Men (CBS, 9pm):  “Charlie’s male ego is bruised when he learns that he hasn’t been satisfying Chelsea.” Well, it has been a long time since he was a Hot Shot.
  • Jon & Kate Plus 8 (TLC, 10pm):  “Jon and Kate reflect on changes in their lives and the ups and downs over the years in the series finale.” Just so I’m clear—would Jon’s weight be considered an up or a down?

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Kate Gosselin Admits to Treating Jon Badly

Posted by Robin Paulson Categories: Drama, Kids, Reality, Specials, Gossip, News, Video,

TLC reality star and media


sponge Kate Gosselin recently admitted in an interview that she’s not proud of how she treated Jon.

“I was very hard on him and I would never deny that. I felt very much like a lot of weight rested on my shoulders… I was wrong to treat him that way. Was it good, healthy and wonderful? No. Am I proud of those moments that were captured? No.”

Should we still be caring about these two? The way that they treat each other seems like they’re meant to be.

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Kate Minus Jon Equals Big Ratings

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Prime Time, Reality, Cable, Gossip, Video,

TLC scored big numbers when they aired their this week, thus fortifying the network’s decision to drop Jon from the show.

Kate’s question and answer session was surprisingly forthcoming on several issues. Her marriage and even her alleged affair were both brought up. Three million tuned in to hear her answers, great numbers for any cable channel.

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You Asked, TLC Answers with More Kate Gosselin

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Prime Time, Reality, Cable, Gossip, Video,

Jon Gosselin is way, way out of TLC’s good graces, but estranged wife Kate is poised to become a strong anchor for the network. She’ll soon be the central focus in a new hour-long special that features all the you can stand.

The last episode of , which helped put TLC back on the ratings map, airs Monday - incidentally, the same day the couple goes back to court to divvy up their assets for divorce. Kate will be answering questions “about life, the show and moving on,” with the time - an event called “You Ask, Kate Answers.”

Want to start asking a few things of your own? Get on the and post some questions; you never know, but you might get the Gosselin nod. Clearly, it’s not Kate in the video above - but isn’t it funny?

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TLC Sues Jon Gosselin

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Prime Time, Reality, Cable, Gossip,

Jon and Kate Gosselin

The divorce circus is going to have to add another ring to the drama soon - TLC just jumped into the fray. As if Jon and Kate Gosselin didn’t have enough troubles trying to sever the bonds between them and fending off the press, now Jon’s got to worry about a new lawsuit.

The network announced last month that it would be pulling from its roster of shows, now featuring the Gosselins minus Jon in a new series dubbed Kate Plus 8. Upon hearing this, Jon Gosselin refused to give TLC admittance to taping sessions, called his lawyer and created quite the media ruckus.

Because of Gosselin’s actions, Kate Plus 8 is “suspended indefinitely.” Previously, the show was supposed to premiere on November 2. TLC’s lawsuit claims the network has lost $30,000 plus due to Jon’s behavior, contractual violations they obviously won’t take lying down.

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Kate Gosselin Doesn’t Agree with Jon’s Decisions

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Prime Time, Reality, Talk Shows, Cable, Gossip, Video,

was cool, composed and appropriate during her Larry King Live appearance, compliments which can’t be said of many who’ve matched up against the TV icon. Naturally, King asked about life with Jon, life after Jon and what might be next for Kate, minus Jon.

“His decisions right now are not the ones I would make,” Kate said carefully while discussing her (soon to be ex) husband . In the matter of raising their large brood of eight children, Kate admitted, “There’s a lot we agree on.”

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VIDEO: Jon & Kate Gosselin to Reveal ‘Life-Changing Decisions’

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Prime Time, Reality, Cable, Gossip, Video,

UPDATE: Radaronline.com is reporting that Jon and Kate will divorce.

What do you do when your ratings tumble, your marriage crumbles and you’re caught on camera spanking a child? You put together a special about your “life-changing decisions.”

Next week, TLC will replace the previously scheduled Mother’s Day episode of Jon & Kate Plus Eight with an hour devoted to the family’s current state. At least, that’s what I assume the commercial’s messages (“A family in turmoil….a relationship at a crossroads…Where do they go from here?”) are referring to.

Are the Gosselins officially going to separate? Will they end the 40-episode run before it’s really begun? Will Kate finally share her bottle of water with Mady?

Tune in on Monday @ 9:00 to get all your burning questions answered!

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Jon and Kate: The Great Debate

Posted by Melissa Trebus Categories: Prime Time, Reality, Cable,

Jon and Kate

Okay, so last week was the season premiere of . I have been a peeping Tom on this family for the last four seasons. After watching, I have different feelings. One of the things that made this show so entertaining in the past was the “loving” banter between the parents, Jon and Kate. When the show started, they were young parents, obviously hurting financially, trying to make a few bucks and document their children as they grew up. Now… oy… they are as dysfunctional as any other reality television family.

Instead of being entertained, I was depressed. As I watched each of them filmed separately on the couch, I felt like an intruder in a very personal marriage struggle. The show has lost its entertainment factor to me. I watch television to get away from the regular parental struggles. I want to see the underdog prevail. Now don’t get me wrong, I want Jon and Kate to work everything out, but a scripted “reality” show where we have some Kate episodes, some Jon episodes, and a few carefully planned joint appearances is SO not for me. It’s summer time!! I want something light and funny. So this summer I will be scrolling right past TLC and stopping on…..Oxygen maybe? Right now Tori and Dean never looked so appealing!

Extended Season for Jon & Kate Plus 8

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Prime Time, Reality, Cable,

Jon & Kate wedding

TLC might need a bigger couch.

If you noticed the uncomfortable distance between Jon and Kate earlier this week, imagine what that space might look like later. Even though the Gosselins would have been smart to quit while they were ahead, the tabloid subjects committed themselves to a fifth season. And oh what a long one that will be.

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