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How I Met Your Mother’s 50 Reasons to Have Sex

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Comedy, Prime Time, CBS, Gossip,

Neil Patrick Harris in How I Met Your Mother

If you were one of the many who saw last week’s , you might still be chuckling about several great moments from “The Naked Man” episode.

Those who don’t currently follow the program missed out on Barney’s conversation with Ted about the best nude man pose. (A nicely-toned is demonstrating the “Burt Reynolds” up above.) Fans of HIMYM also learned several of Lily’s 50 Reasons to Have Sex. (She was trying to prove to her husband, Marshall, that there were other reasons out there besides “love.”)

Now, thanks to that handy tool called MySpace, we’re getting our chance to see the full list compiled by the MacLaren’s Irish Pub crew. You can see the Top 50 after the jump.

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