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Monday November 17, 2008 11:05 pm

Food Network’s Chef Jeff Project Comes to a Close

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: Reality, Cable, Editorial,

Jeff Henderson

After six episodes and five weeks, Food Network’s ambitious ended Sunday night. The season finale offered up everything viewers wanted to see, a delectable combination of food, drama and happy endings. If this delicious reality dish has any flaws, it’s that the season was too short and no reunion show is being presented next week.

The project all began with chef Jeff Henderson, who served hard time for selling drugs. During his incarceration, Henderson began to learn the culinary arts. Food led him to success, and today Henderson is a well-known and award-winning cook - not to mention budding reality star. His happy experiences with food led to the Chef Jeff Project, an inspiring plan to pull six young adults out of the ghetto and into an upper-class catering business.

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On any other network, this would have quickly dissolved into high drama. All six contestants would have been shoved together in a house so they could duke it out during off hours, and every week one of them would see their dreams destroyed as elimination descended upon them. But on the Food Network, the six contenders were put to work in the catering kitchen. They were taught technique not just in food preparation, identification, tasting, plating and cooking but also in leadership, working with others, and being professionals. They were safe from elimination - so long as they went to work and did the job, like any employee.

They were taught how to succeed. And over the five week course, each employee began to see hope. They began to feel proud of themselves. They moved closer to a successful future. It all culminated last night, when each one was challenged to re-create their signature dishes (to be served to a panel of successful chefs and a high-ranking official at the culinary school). Thanks to the and the Project, those who succeeded in impressing the panel were to receive the reward of a two-year scholarship to help them truly perfect their craft.

Succeed they did, each one of the six earning their right to go to culinary school on a full scholarship. Anger-filled Adam, who faced his own demons more than once, was even offered a job in Houston after he presented an impressive sushi dish. Maria, the youngest in the group, also impressed a panelist - so much so that she currently works for the wowed chef.

In short, a successful project. So can fans look forward to a second helping of Chef Jeff? Food Network isn’t releasing any tidbits on whether or not the Project will see a second season, but with luck the network will serve up much more of chef Jeff Henderson in the future.


Forum Discussion

i only know how to cook omelet so i cook that only.

i worked far from my home, just cook for myself. lol

Ya i cook for my family once in a week.

yea from time to time i will cook for my family only menu is a bit limited.but most of the times my mother wil cook.comparing to her cooking to mine is like comparing 5 star restaurant to mcdonald....

i am the only that cooks in the house. if i did not cook everyone would eat cerial all day. i do not know a lot of receipies but i can make a mean turkey burger.

I can cook but i barely have the time for it because of my job.My mother handles it. :)

I only cook if im alone that way i get to eat food and avoid the embarresment of having made something thats barely decent. I am a terrible cook.

I think I definitely want to learn how to cook better over the summer! I'll get my mom to teach me some of her recipes. What are you guys planning to do? I mean, I think we're all aware in the future, we're going to need to cook for ourselves. Are you guys planning on taking cooking classes, just learning from your parents, etc.?

I'll try to stir the ingredients in the pan or whatever, but I am taking cooking class and maybe one they I'll cook an entire meal for my family.

I cook for myself mostly, i eat things that are high in protein and Carbs after I lift. My family doesn't like the things I eat so i make it for myself. I have cooked a few times when my mom couldn't get home to make dinner. As long as it's easy to make i could probably make it. Also it makes it hard because i don't enjoy to cook so the motivation for me to cook for my family isn't their.

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