Monday March 10, 2008 10:51 am
Big Brother 9: Ryan Nominates Two For Eviction
Mr. Nice Guy Ryan finds himself holding all the cards in the Big Brother 9 house, at least for a couple of days.
Last night, the 27-year-old college student from Ohio nominated first-timer Chelsia and previously evicted, then resurrected Sharon for eviction this coming Wednesday.
That was about the only interesting revelation in this particular episode. Again, I question why this show needs to be on three nights a week. Surely, with the writer’s strike over CBS could come up with something better for their prime-time line-up?
The show started out slow. Several minutes into it we find a scantily-clad Natalie reading the bible. The 26-year-old bikini barista from Salem, Oregon comes across a passage pertaining to her sometimes friend in the house, Joshuah. He is getting quite a reputation for verbally abusing other house guests. Natalie finds something in the good book that suggests Joshuah’s “tongue of fire” displeases God. (I’m fairly certain God, like most other people, does not watch Big Brother but hey, heaven might just be as boring as Earth, who knows?)
That scene is juxtaposed with Joshuah, alone in the BB9 hot tub. We hear the Texas media buyer praying that God forgives him for lashing out at other house guests. He also asks God to give him the strength to deal with the “evil people” who surround him in the house and he admits to breaking most of the 10 Commandments. At this point, he then decides to ask for more earthly pleasures like help with his diet, a flatter stomach and money. He does, though, promise to tithe 10% of his money to the church if he wins Big Brother 9.
Next, Ryan gets his first peek at his Head of Household room. It is filled with pictures of his family and girlfriend Jen who was evicted with her partner-Parker earlier in the season. We also learn that Ryan’s sister is a bit of a hottie. House cad Matt leers at her picture then coyly asks for a date. (If she watches the show at all I’m guessing she’ll say no.)
Then we see Shelia crying. She is upset over the way things ended with Allison. Sheila tells Adam, her former partner, that Allison was the only person she trusted in the Big Brother house and that now she is scared and things are “going to get ugly”. Again, how in God’s name is Sheila still in the house? My only guess is that it would be strategic to leave her there at the end because pretty much everyone looks like a better choice for a winner than Sheila. Later Sheila, in a rare moment of positivity, says she is at least happy not to sleep with Adam anymore. She claims Adam has restless leg syndrome, snores and talks in his sleep.
Next, we see James and Chelsia talking about their relationship now that they aren’t playing the game together. They promise to always look out for one another and agree it would be awesome to win as a couple somehow. I wouldn’t count on it though. The next scene shows Ryan, Matt, Adam and James forming a “crew”. They talk about “weedin’ out all the garbage in the house” which appears to be everyone else. James later vows to Ryan to vote anyway he tells him to, which includes against Chelsia.
This is followed by yet another attempt to find meaning in the guinea pig’s cage. Natalie and Ryan search for answers in the multi-colored toy inside the cage. Natalie declares that there are 27 elements to it, “like the 27 letters in the alphabet.” Ryan tries to correct her but she insists on counting them out. I’m starting to feel sorry for her and maybe even envy her child-like innocence.
On to the food competition where after a challenge involving spelling and pools full of brown water (as always, don’t ask) Natalie, Matt, Adam and James emerge as the winners. That means everyone else (besides HOH Ryan) is eating slop.
A bit later, we see Joshuah trying to cozy up to Ryan. Joshuah promises not to put Ryan up at a later date if he can stay in the house. He also promises to be Ryan’s “bitch” for the week.
On to the nominations where Ryan decides to go in a different direction and nominate Sharon and Chelsia. He says he loves them both and expects an “epic battle of the females” for the “power of veto”. Chelsia realizes she can’t count on anyone but herself. James feels bad but reiterates that Big Brother is a game and he is out to win.
The “Power of Veto” competition is up next. Big Brother 9 airs Tuesday night at 9 p.m. ET/PT on CBS. Wednesday night we find out who will be evicted and also which already-evicted house guest is coming back thanks to a public vote on
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- bb9, big brother, big brother 9, cbs, power of veto, head of household, hoh, prime time, reality, reality tv, recap
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