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Xbox 360 Sales

On Friday, Reuters reported that Microsoft has sold a grand total of 600,000 Xbox 360s in the United States. Initial sales reports from the end of November indicated that Microsoft had sold 326,000, so an additional 274,000 since then isn’t horrible. Of course, we’d like to see more unites on store shelves, but that just wasn’t possible around launch time. Maybe it’s about time Microsoft shipped less units to Japan and more, instead, to the U.S.

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Burnout Revenge 360

We’d be lying if we said Burnout on Xbox 360 didn’t look amazing. Still, I’m not completely sold on the game. After already picking the title up on the original Xbox, I’m a little relucant to spend an additional $60 on the same game with some minor updates. Here’s to the next Burnout title. Meanwhile, click through to see all 8 shots in glorious high-res.

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PGR3 Real Life Comparison

Someone over in Japan took some pictures of different locations that are featured in PGR3. In the linked forum post, the real-life photos are placed immediately above the shots of the sites in PGR3. As you’ll see, PGR3 has the details down almost perfectly.

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Latest Gear Live Videos

Xbox Live According to Bill Gates, that is. Here’s what the man recently said:

“We’ve got a lot of things that they don’t know that we’re doing, so we’ll keep them on edge a bit….We had to learn a lot with Xbox 1, and the decision to require broadband, to go with VoIP, but we learned a lot about wanting to put things into the operating system so you can chat even while you’re playing the games, it’s really a level of richness that the games are built on top of that we didn’t have that last time.

“We learned how to do that, we learned about contests and spectators, and so this is really a second generation of Live for us. It’s very based on software expertise, so it will be interesting to see what Sony does in that dimension.”

He added, “I don’t think there’s any doubt we’ll have a substantially higher share in this generation than we had last generation. It depends on our execution, it depends on Sony’s execution. This is a business we’re committed to, so we’re just going to keep doing our best.”

We’re excited as anyone about all of this. Personally, my favorite feature of the Xbox 360 may very well be its online integration. Being able to pull up your friends list whenever, check their accomplishments, and see what they’re up to at all times is pure bliss. Additionally, the Xbox Live Arcade has brought many treasures. Furthermore, on somewhat of a downer, he added that Halo 3 won’t nessicarily be released against PS3’s launch (as he had previously indicated) but when Bungie feels the game is ready.

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Description Thanks to Next Generation, this week’s best selling games from Gamestop’s Amazon.com storefront follow. Click through to see them.

Click to continue reading This Week’s Best Selling Games

Xbox 360 Sales

Unfortunately for Microsoft and many consumers, there weren’t enough Xbox 360s on store shelves over the holiday season. Apparently, Microsoft originally hoped to get more consoles to retail, but just couldn’t get the job done for one reason or another. Remember how the company promised to sell 3 million 360s within 3 months of the console’s launch? Well, CES has brought a new projection that simply doesn’t match the old one. Now, according to the new forecast, the Xbox 360 is expected to sell between 4 and 5.5 million units by June.

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Description Get onto your Xbox 360 right now to download the Fight Night 3 demo. EA just put the demo up and it’s incredible. Even though I’m only playing it on a standard definition television, I’m floored by how great it looks. I wish I could see it on an HDTV though! But in the meantime, whether or not you’ve played the previous games in the series, you owe it to yourself to check this one out.

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Blu-Ray Movies Four studios, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, Lionsgate, Fox Home Entertainment and Paramount, have just announced an initial wave of movies that will hit Sony’s Blu-Ray format this year. The titles announced include Hitch, Black Hawk Down, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, and The Italian Job. We can’t wait to see how crisp these Blu-Ray titles look on an HDTV.

In summary, six movie studios are supporting the Blu-Ray format while three are backing Toshiba’s HD-DVD format. Sony, Lionsgate, and Fox are only supporting Blu-Ray. Additionally, the PS3 will have a Blu-Ray drive while an external HD-DVD drive for the Xbox 360 is scheduled to go on sale sometime this year.

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DescriptionNext Generation has posted a nice (although somewhat short) article on some games scheduled to come out this year on Microsoft consoles. In fact, 5 of the games are 360 titles while one is an original Xbox title that’s also coming for PS2. The list follows.


Lost Odyssey
Full Auto
Halo 3
Gears of War
Elder Scrolls: Oblivions



While it’s unfortunate that the list isn’t any longer, each of those titles are expected to be big. Still, a lot more games are scheduled to come out this year on Microsoft consoles - especially the 360 - so do you think anything’s missing from the list?

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Peter MoorePeter Moore addressed a few interesting points during the Microsoft CES keynote:

Selectica to join Flextronics and Wistron as a third manufacturing partner.

Xbox 360 to ship between 4.5 and 5.5 million consoles by the end of June.

On Xbox 360 more than 50 percent of all consoles worldwide are now connected to Xbox Live (Compare to 10% on Xbox).

Since the launch of Xbox 360, more than 4 million Xbox Live marketplace downloads.

Xbox Live Arcade games count up to 20 by March.

We’re certainly not going to complain. We’ll be seeing more consoles on store shelves, more Xbox 360 games, and more Live Arcade games soon. The future is bright.

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