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Bleeding Edge TV 493: SCOTTeVEST Tropiformer Review

In this episode I review the SCOTTeVEST Tropiformer Jacket, a collaboration between SCOTTeVEST and ThinkGeek, and we think it holds up great for multi-seasonal travel. SCOTTeVEST is known for making Technology Enabled Clothing that allows you to carry pretty much all of your gadgets, including tablets and even a laptop if you want to, right in your jacket, thanks to the myriad of pockets they include in their garments. In the case of the Tropiformer, that's 22 pockets, including a pocket specifically for your smartphone that allows you to use the phone right through the pocket. The sleeves on the Tropiformer are also easily removed and replaced, thanks to an ingenious magnet system.

You can pick up the SCOTTeVEST Tropiformer now from ThinkGeek.

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2013 Holiday Gift Guide: Aquafarm


We love finding quirky, cool things that are worthy of being featured in our 2013 Holiday Gift Guide, and the Aquafarm certainly fits the bill. You get a pet and some healthy food, all at the same time. You don't even have to clean up after it! Thanks to magic aquaponics, the plants use the fish waste as food, keeping the water clean. Impressive, right?

You can pick up the Aquafarm from ThinkGeek for $59.99.

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Aquafarm is a self-sustaining aquaponics fish garden

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Smart Home, Science,

aquafarm aquaponics fish garden thinkgeek

Tiny fish tanks can be boring, but the Aquafarm serves as both a home for your fish and an herb garden that provides you with delicious, fresh plants. Even better, all you need to do is remember to feed the fish to make everything happen. You see, through aquaponics, the plants use the nutrients from the fish poop to nourish themselves and keep on growing strong. In turn, the plants keep the water clean, so you don't have to.  You get five planters, and seeds to grow wheat grass, lettuce mix, and basil from Seeds of Change. All this for $59.99 from ThinkGeek.

Read More | Aquafarm Aquaponics Fish Garden

Scottevest Tropiformer jacket features 22 gadget pockets for $150

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Wearables,

Scottevest Tropiformer

Our friends over at Scottevest have just released its newest jacket, which it says is its best ever in the Tropiformer. In partnership with ThinkGeek, the Tropiformer features 22 pockets of various sizes that can hold things as small as a pen, to as large as a full-sized tablet. Like other Scottevest products, the Tropiformer also features the patented Personal Area Network, which allows you to wire your cabling through the fabric of the jacket itself, keepings things nice and neat. Oh, and the sleeves are connected to the jacket with magnets, making them super easy to remove and re-attach.

The Tropiformer jacket is available now, and can be purchased for $150 in blue, gray, cement, or red. We'll have a full review shortly.

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2012 Holiday Gift Guide: Dismember-Me Plush Zombie

Dismember Me plush zombie

We've got another inexpensive, yet awesome, entry for our 2012 Holiday Gift Guide, this one focusing on the undead. Do you know what happens when you take old broken plush toys and bury them in the woods by the light of the full moon while whistling the theme song from "Halloween"? Unfortunately nothing...which is why the skillful design monkeys over at ThinkGeek were forced to come-up with their own scary (but cute) zombie plush.

The Dismember-Me Plush Zombie begs to be torn limb from limb. After all he is a decaying re-animated corpse turned into irresistible cuddly plush. Rip off an arm... he doesn't mind. Tear him in half.. he'll barely notice. Pull off his legs... ok now he's getting a bit annoyed. Steal his brain... now you've really done it. Keep your teddy bears under close guard tonight because undead plush have come back from hell to walk the earth.

Grab yours now for $12.99!

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2011 Holiday Gift Guide: Dismember-Me Plush Zombie

Dismember Me plush zombie

We've got another inexpensive, yet awesome, entry for our 2011 Holiday Gift Guide, this one focusing on the undead. Do you know what happens when you take old broken plush toys and bury them in the woods by the light of the full moon while whistling the theme song from "Halloween"? Unfortunately nothing...which is why the skillful design monkeys over at ThinkGeek were forced to come-up with their own scary (but cute) zombie plush.

The Dismember-Me Plush Zombie begs to be torn limb from limb. After all he is a decaying re-animated corpse turned into irresistible cuddly plush. Rip off an arm... he doesn't mind. Tear him in half.. he'll barely notice. Pull off his legs... ok now he's getting a bit annoyed. Steal his brain... now you've really done it. Keep your teddy bears under close guard tonight because undead plush have come back from hell to walk the earth.

Grab yours now for $9.99, a 23% discount!

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2011 Holiday Gift Guide: Star Wars Chop Sabers

Star Wars Chop Sabers chopsticks

How's this for a unique 2011 Holiday Gift Guide entry? They're lightsabers, they're chopsticks, and they'll change the way you experience your favorite Asian foods. Grab these Japanese imports from ThinkGeek and deftly maneuver your food with the power of the Force. We're not sure if you know this, but Yoda has been known to carve his Thanksgiving turkey using his lightsaber.

Go forth, brave Jedi warriors, and use your chop sabers to mix just a little extra wasabi into your soy sauce. You can handle it. It is a known fact that eating sushi with chop sabers vastly strengthens your ability to ingest horseradish products. (By the way, did you know that researchers are trying to make a smoke alarm for the deaf using wasabi vapors? We're debating whether it would be more annoying to wake up to the sound of a fire alarm or the punch in the nose that only wasabi brings. What do you think?) Either way, wield your weapons and ready the way for a truly epic eating experience. You can get a pair of Chop Sabers for $9.99 (a 23% discount!)

Read More | Chop Sabers

ThinkGeek IRIS 9000 makes Siri more awesome in 2012

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Accessories, Apple, Smartphones, Toys,

ThinkGeek IRIS 9000 Siri

ThinkGeek is set to bring the best of Siri and HAL 9000 together in early 2012 with the IRIS 9000 iPhone dock. This thing has a remote control that allows you to activate Siri from across the room, a built-in mic and speaker that lets you interact with Siri and make calls, and a menacing red LED eye that glows as Siri speaks. Check out video of the device after the break.

Click to continue reading ThinkGeek IRIS 9000 makes Siri more awesome in 2012

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The best of April Fool’s Day 2011 from around the web

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Features, Google, Internet,

April Fool's Day is upon us, and that means that you can never be too sure if anything you read today is true or bogus. Everyone from Google and Hulu to Funny or Die and Groupon have come up with their own gags, and here's a look at some of the ones circulating this morning. If you see any other notable April Fool's Day jokes, let us know in the comments.


Chromercise: In a throw-back to Jane Fonda and the Jazzercise era, Google is helping you get your fingers limbered up for some searching with Chromercise. Strap on your most flattering 80s fingerwarmers and Google-fied headbands, and feel the burn.

YouTube: While you might think that YouTube was founded in the last decade, it actually dates back to 1911, when videos of horse and buggy crashes and pre-talkie fruit conversations dominated the airwaves. And of course, pets were still able to play instruments with ease; trumpet cat ftw.

Autocompleter: You thought those auto-completes on Google were done by an algorithm? Nah, it's just Michael, an auto-completer at Google. He started out as a spell checker, but now provides users with suggestions as they type. Michael averages about 34,000 words per minute and goes through a keyboard every eight days.

Comic Sans for Everyone: As we all know, comic sans is everyone's favorite font. As a result, Google will roll it out as its default fonts across all Google products, effective April 4. It's live for a few lucky people in the Google Labs Trusted Tester Beta Preview Sandbox program, so check it out.

Gmail Motion: Typing and using a mouse to write emails? Blech. With Gmail Motion, you can use your Webcam and simple movements to tell Gmail what to write. To open an email, move your hands like your opening an envelope. To reply, point your thumb behind you; use both hands to reply all.

Click to continue reading The best of April Fool’s Day 2011 from around the web

ThinkGeek Holiday Gift Center of Tomorrow is now open

ThinkGeek is always a fun place to shop for unique gifts for the techies in your life, and they've just opened their Holiday Gift Center of Tomorrow, featuring some of their most popular products. Head on over to check out items like the Star Trek Enterprise Pizza Cutter, and the awesome BuckyBalls Magnetic Building Spheres, among others!
