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Bleeding Edge TV 312: Xbox 360 August 2009 Dashboard Update Walkthrough

A few days ago we did a quick post of our Xbox 360 August Dashboard Update video, promising that we’d publish the actual video podcast version later. Well, here it is. In case you missed it, we give you a 35-minute full walkthrough of the upcoming Xbox 360 dashboard update, giving you a look at the new features, Avatar Marketplace, Games on Demand, Indie Games, and more. Go ahead and give it a look for all the goods. Definitely a nice, solid Xbox 360 update.


Video: Xbox 360 August 2009 Dashboard Update Hands-on

We know a lot of you have been excited about the August 11th Xbox 360 Dashboard Update, so we figured that while we were waiting for the transcodes to finish for Bleeding Edge TV, we’d also throw our walkthrough of the update onto our YouTube account as well. Go ahead and give it a look, as we bring you 35 minutes of Dashboard goodness. The “real” episode should be out later this evening, if not by the end of the weekend.

Let us know if we missed anything that you’d like us to cover in the comments.

Apply now for early access to Fall 2009 Xbox 360 Dashboard update

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Internet, Microsoft, Xbox 360, Xbox Live,

Xbox 360 Update Preview Program

Just like last year, you have the opportunity to apply to receive preview access to the Fall 2009 Xbox 360 Dashboard Update. Major Nelson made the announcement over on his blog, and made sure to mention a few points of interest:

  • We’re looking for multiple thousands of participants, so your chances of making it in are good
  • This opportunity is open to all Xbox LIVE Members in regions where Xbox LIVE is available.
  • Just completing the survey does not automatically get you access to the Preview Program. We’ll be making final selections from the completed surveys and send you an email if you are selected.
  • While both box LIVE Gold and Silver members can sign up, Priority will be given to Gold members in the selection process.

You know you want it, so go ahead and try and secure yourself a spot.

Read More | Xbox LIVE Update Preview Program

Xbox 360 Fall 2009 Update Preview

Xbox 360 Avatar Marketplace Page 1

Lucky us, we are getting early access to the Fall 2009 Dashboard Update this coming Monday. We will bring you all our thoughts on everything we are able to try out. We have a list of stuff we will have access to on Monday, which you can see after the jump, but we were also able to put together a gallery of some of the things we will be playing with as well. You can find all those images over in our Xbox 360 Fall 2009 NXE Dashboard Update Preview Gallery.

Click to continue reading Xbox 360 Fall 2009 Update Preview


Twitter coming to Xbox 360

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Culture, E3, Xbox 360,

Twitter update from Xbox 360

is coming to the Xbox 360, as announced by Microsoft at their 2009 Xbox Media Briefing at . You’ll be able to see recent tweets from your contacts, and you’ll also have the ability to update your Twitter status right from the Xbox 360 as well. Check out a few Twitter on Xbox 360 screenshots, and feel free to follow Playfeed on Twitter.

Update: Facebook for Xbox 360 is also on the way!


Major Nelson: Old Xbox Avatar clothing will be unlocked in the future

Xbox Avatar ClothingI don’t know about you, but some of the clothing that I put on my avatar that has since been removed from the currently available items in the Avatar Editor are no longer available for me to re-apply to my little guy—even if it’s a saved outfit. I threw out the issue on Twitter, and Major Nelson his me back to let me know that older clothing will be unlocked, and the issue will eventually disappear. Apparently, for those of you in the NXE Preview Program that was around before the went public, if you’ve saved items as outfits that were removed, you are unable to access them, with the one caveat being that if you are currently wearing a piece of clothing that is locked, you get to rock it, as long as you don’t take it off.

Amazon selling Xbox Live Gold subscriptions for $29.97

Xbox Live Gold discountWe are gonna go out on a limb and say this is likely the best gaming deal you’ll see today. Over at Amazon, they are selling the 1-year Xbox Live Gold subscription at just $29.97. That’s a little over $20 off the standard price of $50 that most of us pay on a yearly basis to stay connected to the Xbox Live golden world, or in other words, a full 40% off. If you are nearing the end of your subscription, you’ll wanna grab one, certainly. Heck, I’m gonna pick up a few just so I can stay stocked up. At $30, why not?

Interestingly enough, this isn’t the first sale of its kind, as Buy.com was also pulling a similar stunt last week. Could we be seeing the beginnings of an Xbox Live Gold price drop? Maybe?

Your thoughts?

Read More | Amazon

Top 10 most popular Bleeding Edge TV episodes of 2008

The end of another year is upon us, and that means that our humble little tech video show, Bleeding Edge TV, is turning 3 years old. We figured we’d highlight the ten episodes that you guys watched most over the past year in this recap. We find it hilarious that the most watched video just happened to be the one where one of us willingly got tasered during , but hey, why should we be surprised? Aside from that, video games seemed to be popular, as well as some straight up hardware. Hit the jump for the full list.

Oh, and while you’re at it, go ahead and check out the 10 most popular videos from 2007 as well.

Click to continue reading Top 10 most popular Bleeding Edge TV episodes of 2008

Video: Installing the New Xbox Experience

So, we hit you with a 20-minute video tour of the New Xbox Experience, but we’ve received a bunch of feedback where you guys were asking about the installation process of the new dashboard. Thing is, since we had already updated our two Xbox 360 units, we couldn’t go back and show how installation worked, since you can’t go back to the old interface once you’ve upgraded. Luckily, Major Nelson just put up a video showing how installation of the NXE works. Check it out above - as you’ll see, it’s all painless. November 19th is just five days away.

NXE Preview: Third wave announced

New Xbox Experience

If your hopes at getting into the preview program were dashed on the two previous opportunites for you to get in, you may still be in luck. Major Nelson just announced on his blog that a third (and final) wave of acceptances will be sent out tonight - and they’ll be adding over 10,000 more Xbox Live members this time around. Of course, you had to have signed up for the NXE Preview Program a few weeks ago, as they aren’t accepting anyone who didn’t throw their name into the hat. The email notifying you of your acceptance will be coming from msftconn@microsoft.com, so be sure to let your spam filter know that it might be arriving. Good luck, and if you don’t make it, the official release is only six days away anyway.

Read More | Major Nelson
