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Apple shows off iOS 8 Health app & HealthKit platform

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Smartphones, Wearables, Corporate News, Handhelds, Software,
As rumored, Apple has announced its iOS 8 health initiative during the WWDC 2014 keynote. The new Health app will work with a developer API bundle called HealthKit. In iOS 8, apps will be able to report your health data to a centralized location, allowing you to see all the information and stats from different apps all in the same area. Further, you'll be able to choose if you'd like to share health data from one app to another.
Apple announced that Nike and the Mayo Clinic are two of the first to be working on HealthKit integration, while also picturing a Withings blood pressure monitor. Not much more has been announced about the new Health app for iOS 8 yet, but we're sure we will hear more about it closer to the release of iOS 8 release.
Top 10 Gear Live stories of 2013

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Smartphones, Editorial, Features, Handhelds, Mods / Hacks, Movies, Software, Videos,
We've come to the end of another year, and as we wave goodbye to 2013, we figured it was only fitting that we share the most popular stories published on Gear Live this year, as determined by our readers (we've also got the top ten most read stories regardless of publish date, as well as the ten most popular Gear Live videos of 2013!) These are the ten stories that were read the most, and when you consider that fact, it's pretty surprising to see what made the list. Let's kick it off with our most read story of the year:
OS X 10.9 Mavericks Developer Preview 3 now available:
Anticipation for Apple's newest desktop operating system, OS X 10.9 Mavericks, trumped all other news here on Gear Live in 2013!
Click to continue reading Top 10 Gear Live stories of 2013
Nike+ Move app now live in the App Store, available for free

Posted by Jason Diaz Categories: Healthcare & Fitness, New Apps, Free Apps,
As announced at the iPhone 5s launch, the Nike+ Move app is now available in the Apple App Store for free. Nike+ Move harnesses the power of the iPhone 5s’ M7 coprocessor. Apple describes it as a dedicated sidekick chip that analyzes the movement of the instruments without utilizing the A7 processor. The results is more efficiency with tracking physical activites, such as significantly less battery consumption, while still giving fitness apps access to the gyroscope, accelerometer, and compass. Take a gander of the features of Nike+ Move:
Nike+ Move is the simplest way to capture your every move, and motivate you to move more!
Exclusively for use with iPhone 5S, Nike+ Move uses the M7 coprocessor to convert your movement into NikeFuel, the first-ever single, universal unit for measuring all kinds of activities. No matter your age, weight or gender, the same activity earns you the same amount of NikeFuel.
Nike+ Move offers insight into when you move, how you move and where you move - and lets you challenge your friends to see who moves more.
- Win the day by beating your NikeFuel average and watch your goal ring change from Red to Green.
- See when you are most active throughout the day and how you’re doing compared to yesterday.
- Move more often and win as many hours as you can throughout the day.
- See how you moved through the day with a breakdown of running, walking, and other movement.
- See where you're moving and where you move the most each day.
- Check out how you compare against your Game Center friends or other Nike+ Move users near you.
*Note: iPhone 5S is required to get motivated with Nike+ Move.
Read More | Nike+ Move [App Store]
Nike+ for iOS adds Social Challenges and Chat

Posted by Jason Diaz Categories: Healthcare & Fitness, App Updates, Free Apps,
Nike+ for iOS received an update that makes it even more social with group challenges and chat. Aside from leader boards with other runners, the new challenge feature allows users the ability to competitively challenge their friends with distance and speed goals. Those who are using the challenge mode have access to a group chating feature to either trash talk to your opponents or, at the very least, be the nice person and encourage runners in real time. The update is also expected for Android soon.
What's New in Version 4.3
Ready to take on your friends? With Nike+ Challenges, you'll compete with your friends and motivate each other to go farther and faster than ever before. Track your progress, top the leaderboard, and snag a medal. Every run counts.
- Choose a distance and invite your Nike+ friends.
- Keep track of who's in the lead and stay motivated through group chats.
- Finish a Challenge before your friends and take home a medal. We'll leave the bragging rights to you.
Read More | iTunes
Exclusive details on the next Nike+ FuelBand

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Accessories, Wearables, Features, Rumors,
Nike is hard at work on the next iteration of its popular Nike+ FuelBand, and we've got the details on what to expect, thanks to getting to spend a few short minutes with the device during a recent business trip. From the look and sound of things, aside from a handful of new features and tracking metrics, Nike is also set to make the Nike+ API a bit more robust as well, allowing developers to tap into your tracking data. Now let's talk about the changes and improvements:
Click to continue reading Exclusive details on the next Nike+ FuelBand
The Nike+ FuelBand app not coming to Android anytime soon, dedicated to iOS

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Accessories, Apple, Smartphones, Wearables, Google, Software,
The Nike+ FuelBand is one of the most popular fitness gadgets out there (although the verdict is still out on if fitness gadgets actually improve our health,) but there's been a complaint from Android users since it's release regarding the lack of an app for Android-powered smartphones. Despite waiting patiently for about a year, it turns out, a FuelBand app isn't even on the radar for Nike.
@mkoyerp Right now, we're focused on iOS and web. We're not working on an Android App.
— Nike Support (@NikeSupport) February 10, 2013
To deliver the best experience for all Nike+ FuelBand users, we are focusing on the FuelBand experience across iOS and, where you can sync your activity, set new goals, and connect with friends. At this time, we are not working on an Android version of the mobile app.
In other words, the company is committed to having the FuelBand work perfectly within the iOS ecosystem, and doesn't have time right now to worry about the fragmented Android mess. Of course, the FuelBand doesn't require a smartphone at all, so Android users (and anyone else) can use it, they just need to sync over USB to their computer rather than over Bluetooth like you can do with an iPhone.
Read More | Giz
Will fitness gadgets actually make us fit?

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Accessories, CES, CES 2013, Wearables, Features,
Over the past few years, a new category of gadget has emerged with the aim of quantifying our health. You know the ones--Fitbit. Nike FuelBand. JawBone Up. Withings Wi-Fi Scale (and Smart Activity Tracker!). Fitbit Aria Scale. The list goes on. There are trackers and scales from tons of companies that'll sync your details to their servers, share them with services of your choosing, giving you pretty graphs and hopeful motivation from friends and followers to do the right thing as it pertains to diet and exercise. After all, sitting is killing us. Are all of these gadgets actually moving the needle in terms of our fitness levels? Our friend, Dave Taylor, takes a closer look and chimes in with his toughts after the jump.
Click to continue reading Will fitness gadgets actually make us fit?
Nike+ Running now supports iPhone 5 display

Posted by Jason Diaz Categories: Healthcare & Fitness, App Updates, Free Apps,
Finally, the iconic sneaker brand, Nike, has updated its Nike+ Running app to version 4.1, which supports the iPhone 5 display. Surely, it wasn't a sprint but a marathon in getting this app updated for users, considering it only took them almost 3 months. All griping aside, the app has included some neat features. Click on through for a rundown.
Click to continue reading Nike+ Running now supports iPhone 5 display
Read More | Nike+ Running
Nike+ Kinect Training coming to Xbox 360 this holiday

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Wearables, Microsoft, Video Games,
During the Microsoft E3 Media Briefing today, Nike took the stage to announce Nike+ Kinect Training for the Xbox 360. As avid FuelBand users, we're excited about the possibilites this one brings. With Nike+ Kinect Training, you get a fitness game that ties in to your Nike+ account, your Nike+ FuelBand, and that provides a level of social competition with your friends to keep you motivated. Nike made sure to tout that, with Kinect, Nike+ Kinect Training is able to get precise measurements of both your fitness level and athleticism level. Look for Nike+ Kinect Training in stores this holiday season. Check out the video trailer after the jump.
Click to continue reading Nike+ Kinect Training coming to Xbox 360 this holiday
Microsoft Xbox 360 E3 2012 Media Briefing Live Coverage

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Features, Microsoft, Video Games,
Microsoft's E3 2012 Xbox 360 Media Briefing kicks off this morning at 9:30 AM PDT, and we're here to bring you the news as it happens. Keep it locked here for our live coverage of the event, which is set to kick off with Halo 4, with a new Gears of War title to debut, and the secretive SmartGlass feature as well!
Click to continue reading Microsoft Xbox 360 E3 2012 Media Briefing Live Coverage