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Major Nelson: Old Xbox Avatar clothing will be unlocked in the future

Xbox Avatar ClothingI don’t know about you, but some of the clothing that I put on my avatar that has since been removed from the currently available items in the Avatar Editor are no longer available for me to re-apply to my little guy—even if it’s a saved outfit. I threw out the issue on Twitter, and Major Nelson his me back to let me know that older clothing will be unlocked, and the issue will eventually disappear. Apparently, for those of you in the NXE Preview Program that was around before the went public, if you’ve saved items as outfits that were removed, you are unable to access them, with the one caveat being that if you are currently wearing a piece of clothing that is locked, you get to rock it, as long as you don’t take it off.


Top 10 most popular Bleeding Edge TV episodes of 2008

The end of another year is upon us, and that means that our humble little tech video show, Bleeding Edge TV, is turning 3 years old. We figured we’d highlight the ten episodes that you guys watched most over the past year in this recap. We find it hilarious that the most watched video just happened to be the one where one of us willingly got tasered during , but hey, why should we be surprised? Aside from that, video games seemed to be popular, as well as some straight up hardware. Hit the jump for the full list.

Oh, and while you’re at it, go ahead and check out the 10 most popular videos from 2007 as well.

Click to continue reading Top 10 most popular Bleeding Edge TV episodes of 2008

Video: Installing the New Xbox Experience

So, we hit you with a 20-minute video tour of the New Xbox Experience, but we’ve received a bunch of feedback where you guys were asking about the installation process of the new dashboard. Thing is, since we had already updated our two Xbox 360 units, we couldn’t go back and show how installation worked, since you can’t go back to the old interface once you’ve upgraded. Luckily, Major Nelson just put up a video showing how installation of the NXE works. Check it out above - as you’ll see, it’s all painless. November 19th is just five days away.

NXE Preview: Third wave announced

New Xbox Experience

If your hopes at getting into the preview program were dashed on the two previous opportunites for you to get in, you may still be in luck. Major Nelson just announced on his blog that a third (and final) wave of acceptances will be sent out tonight - and they’ll be adding over 10,000 more Xbox Live members this time around. Of course, you had to have signed up for the NXE Preview Program a few weeks ago, as they aren’t accepting anyone who didn’t throw their name into the hat. The email notifying you of your acceptance will be coming from msftconn@microsoft.com, so be sure to let your spam filter know that it might be arriving. Good luck, and if you don’t make it, the official release is only six days away anyway.

Read More | Major Nelson

Our Xbox Avatar wishes you Happy Halloween

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Announcements, Video Games,

Xbox AvatarIt’s Halloween, and we just know that some of you are gonna be going crazy tonight, and that you could care less about any warnings. Nevertheless, we want to wish everyone a safe Halloween, don’t drown while bobbing for apples (do people still do that?) and don’t overdose on candy. Leave that to us. As an aside, what you see to the right is my Xbox Avatar, all dressed up for Halloween. What’s the costume? Beats me, but its still cool. In case you haven’t seen it, go ahead and check out our New Xbox Experience video tour for a look at all the avatar love, coming November 19th.

Bleeding Edge TV 296: New Xbox Experience definitive walkthrough video

We know a lot of you owners are counting down the days to November 19th, which is the day that everyone will be able to download the dashboard update. Until then, we figured we’d give you a nice, full walkthrough of the update and its interface. Our friends up in Redmond were able to send the update to one of our two Xbox 360 consoles, which in turn, allows us to bring you this exclusive first-look walkthrough.

We show you everything, from the boot-up video, the new HDTV display output options, Xbox avatars, , and a whole lot more. Our early thoughts? We love it. In fact, we love it so much, that we now hate our second Xbox 360, which still has the old, busted blade interface. We want NXE on that one as well.

One thing we mentioned in the video that we need to clarify, though. As it turns out, Netflix HD streaming should be available on other Netflix-enabled hardware devices on November 19th as well, as opposed to HD streaming being exclusive to the Xbox 360 at first.

Oh, and be sure to check our New Xbox Experience gallery if you wanna see some screenshots in addition to the video - and if you have any NXE questions about anything we didn’t cover, or didn’t delve into enough, let us know on the forum.

First Look: New Xbox Experience setup gallery

New Xbox Experience: Spotlight

So, you know that nifty you’ve been hearing about all over the place? Well, our pals up in Redmond gave us the opportunity to grab the dashboard a few weeks before it becomes publicly available on November 19th. We have a bunch of info coming your way in the coming days (and, please, feel free to leave any questions on the forum and we will answer them all - seriously, ask away!). In the meantime, though, we thought we would take you through the setup process. After downloading the update (which takes a good, I dunno, 10 seconds), your Xbox 360 will reboot, load the new firmware, and hit you with a high impact video before dumping you into the new dashboard. It really is all sorts of fancy. We’ve created a New Xbox Experience setup gallery with a bunch of pictures showing you the process of installing, setting up, creating your avatar, and browsing around the new interface. Go ahead and take a look, and don’t forget, leave your questions here.

Read More | New Xbox Experience Gallery


New Xbox Live Hard Drive Pack Shipping on Nov. 4th

60GB HDD XBOX Live Pack

A new Xbox Live pack is coming to the US next week on November 4th.  The pack is mainly for those who don’t yet have a hard drive on their Xbox 360, but is a decent upgrade if you have the original 20GB hard drive, and are in need of more space.  The $99 bundle includes a 60GB hard drive, Xbox Live headset, and 3-months of Xbox Live Gold.  The upgrade comes just weeks before the new Xbox Live Experience dashboard upgrade on November 19th.  The hard drive should allow much more storage if you plan to use the Netflix subscription service on your 360 and want to store all of your media which also debut’s on the 19th.  There is also a $30 upgrade option for the 20GB hard drive being offered due to the requirements which will not work if you lack a hard drive. 

Read More | Gamestop

New Xbox Experience is yours November 19

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Microsoft, Xbox 360, Xbox Live,

New Xbox Experience

At the Tokyo Game Show, finally let everyone in on the date that their current Xbox experience would be ending, and the would be, er, beginning. We knew it would be coming in the fall, but the firm date is November 19th. We hope you’re ready to spend hours working on that perfect Avatar, because we are going to so own you in 1 vs. 100, despite having never seen it on television. The New Xbox Experience will go live for all gamers across the world at the same time - no staggered launch here, folks. We must admit, we’re looking forward to it.

New Xbox Experience coming in November?

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Microsoft, Rumors, Xbox 360,

New Xbox Experience

Well, this is an odd piece of news. Apparently, one eagle-eyed gamer realized that release details of the dashboard update were staring him right in the face, by way of an advertisement in the current dashboard. As you can see in the image above, in the ad for Rock Band 2, you see the phrase “Check out the New Xbox Experience coming in November!” Okay, cool, but can we view this as accurate? Microsoft always has the last say on when their dashboard updates hit, but they also have final say on how advertising appears within the Xbox ecosystem. Thoughts?

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