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Apple pre-installing iWork and iLife apps on 64GB, 128GB iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Smartphones, Handhelds, Software,

iPhone 6 space gray


Apple will be bundling in all of its free iWork and iLife apps for buyers of the 64GB and 128GB iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, an Apple Retail training document reveals. The apps included are iMovie, GarageBand, Pages, Keynote, Numbers, and iTunes U. iPhoto isn’t included, as it is being replaced by the new-and-improved Photos app in iOS 8 that includes more advanced editing tools and support for the new iCloud Photo Library.

For those who pick up the 16GB model, all of the aforementioned apps will still be available for download, they just won’t be pre-loaded on your iPhone when sent from the factory. The iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus go on sale this Friday at 8:00am at Apple Store locations, as well as cellular carrier stores. Pre-orders started this past Friday, and Apple has announced that it has sold 4 million iPhones within the first 24 hours of pre-sale availability.


Apple releases major iPhoto ‘11 update, here’s what’s new

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, PC / Laptop, Software,

iPhoto 9.5 '11

As announced during this morning's Apple iPad event, the company is also updating its entire suite of creative and productivity apps across OS X and iOS. First up, iPhoto, which is bumped to version 9.5. Below is a list of what's new:

  • 64-bit support
  • The Places feature now uses Apple maps to display photo locations
  • Adds support for iCloud Photo Sharing, including the ability to post videos to shared photo streams and the ability to have multiple subscribers contribute to a shared stream
  • Adds support for iOS 7 camera filters applied to photos imported from iOS devices
  • Includes a new, streamlined interface for printing
  • Replaces the Create menu with an updated Share menu providing access to all sharing options, including print products such as books, cards and calendars
  • Fixes an issue that could cause iPhoto to quit unexpectedly when sharing an edited photo from a MacBook Pro with Retina display
  • Addresses an issue that could cause iPhoto to show incorrect file type and size information for imported TIFF and PSD files
  • Comment sheet now appears correctly when sharing multiple photos to a new or existing photo stream
  • Fixes an issue that caused photos with specific color profiles to display incorrectly on iOS devices after being shared via iCloud
  • Captions instead of version names are now synced between iPhoto and Facebook for newly-created albums
  • Privacy settings can now be managed when sharing photos from iPhoto to a Facebook Timeline
  • Videos up to three minutes long can now be shared to Flickr
  • Addresses an issue that could cause photos synced to iPhoto from Flickr to appear rotated incorrectly
  • Fixes an issue that could cause photos synced to iPhoto from Facebook or Flickr to be duplicated and reposted
  • URLs in the photo comments field can now be clicked to open the corresponding links
  • Improves reliability when working with custom locations in the Places feature
  • Improves reliability when copying and pasting photos to a new event
  • When a single photo is selected in an album, clicking the Trash button in the contextual menu now removes the photo from the album rather than from the library
  • Includes stability and performance improvements

You can download the new iPhoto now. If you're an existing user, the update is free. If not, you can download it for $14.99.

Read More | iPhoto '11

iPhoto 9.4.7 is ready for Mavericks: Here’s what’s new

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Software,

iPhoto 9.4.7

As we'd mentioned earlier, Apple has pushed out the OS X 10.9 Mavericks Golden Master seed to developers. Along with the update, an update to iPhoto is also available. Here are some of the changes Apple is promoting for iPhoto 9.4.7:

  • iCloud Photo Sharing: iPhoto sports improved Photo Stream sharing, allowing you to both share photos and videos with friends and family, and subscribe to streams that have been shared with you, right in iCloud. This includes the ability to add new content to streams, comment, and more.
  • Apple Maps integration: For images with location metadata, iPhoto now uses Apple Maps to show high quality imagery of the places where your photos were taken.
  • Improved local printing: Printing off hard copies of your images has been improved with a focus on improving ease of use.
  • Photo projects: The ability to choose photos that can be used to create books, greeting cards, calendars, and more has been improved.
  • Mavericks compatibility: iPhoto is ready to take advantage of OS X Mavericks technologies and APIs.

You can grab the new version of iPhoto by updating in the Mac App Store.

Apple now giving away iPhoto, iMovie, and iWork iOS apps for free with iOS device purchase

Free iWork and iLife apps

Apple has announced that it's iWork suite for iOS devices will be free with the purchase of a new device going forward as announced at this morning's iPhone 5S event. This means that Pages, Keynote, Numbers, iPhoto, and iMovie will all be downloadable for free to those who purchase a new iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. To give you an idea of what you are saving, that is $39.95 worth of apps that Apple now gives new buyers for free to all iOS 7-compatible devices activated after September 1, 2013, including current devices, as well as the new iPhone 5C and iPhone 5S.

Apple releases iPhoto 9.4.2 and Aperture 3.4.2

Posted by Jason Diaz Categories: Apple, Software,

iPhoto & Aperture

Aside from today's iOS 6.0.1 update, Apple was so inclined to also release updates for both Aperture and iPhoto. You can grab Aperture 3.4.2 and iPhoto 9.4.2 now in the Mac App Store. Both updates include a host of new tweaks and optimizations, and we've got the full rundown after the break.

Click to continue reading Apple releases iPhoto 9.4.2 and Aperture 3.4.2

iPhoto 9.4.1 now available

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, PC / Laptop, Software,

iPhoto 9.4.1

Apple has released iPhoto 9.4.1, an update primarily focused on killing a few bugs and overall performance. Here's the rundown of changes:

  • Improves the reliability of syncing to iOS devices via iTunes
  • Fixes an issue that could cause iPhoto to quit unexpectedly when using the Export command
  • Addresses an issue that could cause iPhoto to quit unexpectedly when upgrading multiple books, cards, and calendars
  • Resolves an issue with downloading and viewing photos synced from Facebook albums

Fire up Software Update to grab the new version. You can get iPhoto on the Mac App Store.

Apple releases iPhoto 9.4 and Aperture updates, adding Shared Photo Streams

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Software,

iPhoto 9.4 update shared photo streams

One of the main features of iOS 6 is Shared Photo Streams, and alongside today's iOS 6 release and Mountain Lion 10.8.2 release, Apple has also released updates for its digital photo suites, iPhoto and Aperture. Both iPhoto 9.4 and Aperture 3.4 include support for Shared Photo Streams on OS X Mountain Lion. With Shared Photo Streams, iOS users can share images directly from their devices with other iOS 6 users without having to email, SMS, or iMessage them to a bunch of people. It's really Apple's own photography social network. Check the Mac App Store or Software Update to get the latest versions of iPhoto and Aperture.

Apple releases iOS 6-compatible app updates

Posted by Jason Diaz Categories: Apple, Smartphones, Software,

Apple iOS 6 app updates

With the today's expected iOS 6 release, Apple has started to roll updates to its downloadable apps in the App Store to capitalize on the new firmware update and the new iPhone 5's screen size hotness. Don't be timid and get to tapping. One notable update is Find My Friends, which now includes location-based alerts, geofencing, friend suggestions, and favorites.

Ask Andru: How do I stop iPhoto from opening when I plug in my iPhone?

How to stop iPhoto from opening when connect iPhone

Apple tries to make it easy to use all of its products together harmoniously, but there are times where it might get in the way. Today we received a question that asks how to stop iPhoto from opening automatically whenever an iPhone is plugged in, and that's exactly the kind of synergy that can get annoying when all you want to do is charge up your device while you work. Luckily, I've got your answer. There are a couple of different ways to do this, and they look similar at the surface level, but actually serve two different purposes. Let's explore them.

Question: How do I stop iPhoto from automatically opening whenever I plug in my iPhone? It's annoying!

Click to continue reading Ask Andru: How do I stop iPhoto from opening when I plug in my iPhone?
