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iPad 2 gets Flash with Adobe Wallaby

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Software,
Despite a new pair of eyes, trimmer figure, and nimbler mind, the
First previewed at the MAX 2010 Developer Conference last October, Wallaby's launch today at FITC Amsterdam fulfills months of fomenting developer excitement. Built on Adobe Air, the application runs on Mac or Windows and enables developers to convert Flash Professional (.FLA) files into the building blocks of simple animations or online ads—folders comprised of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript—suitable for DreamWeaver.
"Adobe's goal is to support our customers with whatever tools they need to get their creative content onto any device," said Tom Barclay, senior product manager for Flash Professional at Adobe, when asked for a comment. "We look forward to the user feedback about the code they're generating with Wallaby and the use cases for which they end up using Wallaby. We believe Flash is the best long-term solution for things like games, video and RIAs where high levels of interactivity are required. And we believe HTML5 is just as imperative for things like banner ads, especially for devices such as iPad and iPhone."
Click to continue reading iPad 2 gets Flash with Adobe Wallaby
Skyfire brings Flash video to the iPhone

Posted by Patrick Lambert Categories: Utilities, New Apps, $2.99,
The Skyfire browser is now fully available in the App Store, and promises to bring Flash video to the iPhone. The browser actually has a server side component which converts any Flash video on the fly before sending it on to your device, which allows it to display Flash videos converted to a format the Apple device understands. However, it seems that the company underestimated the demand for Flash videos from iOS users, since mere hours after the app went live, it was pulled from the App Store. It seems those troubles have disappeared though, and in use the app performs quite nicely. If you're looking for a way to view Flash video across the Internet in your browser, check out the Skyfire browser for iPhone, available for $2.99.
Read More | Skyfire
Apple and Adobe collaborating on Flash for iPhone

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Smartphones, Handhelds, Rumors, Software,
What’s the latest on the iPhone Flash rumors? It looks like work is being done, but that finding a solution is proving to be tough, as evidenced by Adobe’s Shantanu Narayen:
“It’s a hard technical challenge, and that’s part of the reason Apple and Adobe are collaborating,” Narayen told Bloomberg Television at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. “The ball is in our court. The onus is on us to deliver.”
Did you get that? Apple and Adobe are working together to come up with a suitable Flash derivative for the iPhone. So while there’s no set date or anything, we can at least rest assured that it’s coming. iPhone Hulu, anyone?
Read More | Bloomberg
Why is Apple stalling Flash on the iPhone?

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Smartphones, Editorial, Handhelds, Rumors, Software,
A few weeks ago, we reported that sources revealed to us that Flash on the iPhone was coming soon. At the time, we felt very strongly that the reasons we stated were sound and accurate. Then, a few days ago, Steve Jobs stated that Flash wouldn’t be coming to the iPhone because it was “too slow to be useful” and that Flash Lite was “not capable of being used with the web.”
So we started getting comments on our last entry, like this one, saying that we were wrong. The iPhone 1.1.4 release came and went, as did the iPhone SDK announcement. Nothing from Apple regarding Flash, until Jobs said it was a no go. So we went back to our source, who was - and still is - 100% convinced that these are just stall tactics.
Click to continue reading Why is Apple stalling Flash on the iPhone?
Flash on iPhone is just around the corner

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Apple, Smartphones, Handhelds, Rumors,
EDIT: The Skyfire browser for iPhone allows you to view Flash video directly on your iPhone.
EDIT: Here are the details on Apple and Adobe collaborating on an iPhone Flash player.
EDIT: Here is an update on the whole Flash on iPhone situation.
We’ve been waiting for Flash support to hit the iPhone ever since…well…it launched. We’ve had to make do without Flash for almost eight months, and YouTube even had to convert a bunch of their catalog to H.264 in order for the service to be enjoyed on the iPhone. Well, we’ve just got word from a reliable source that Flash support is on its way to the iPhone, and it should be coming very, very soon. Speculating a bit further on our own, we are guessing that it would be pretty convenient for Flash support to be introduced alongside the iPhone SDK, wouldn’t you say? Now, we know that there isn’t much information here, but you also know how strong our sources are too - Flash on the iPhone is coming, just take our word for it, okay?
EDIT: We already have had a couple people ask about the supposed battery and CPU issues that were holding Flash back from being included on the iPhone in the first place. From what I am hearing, it was a complete fabrication. Flash has not yet made it to the iPhone solely due to business negotiations. As we said, it is now on its way!