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Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is fun, but Xbox 360 HD remaster is rough

Posted by Chris Pereira Categories: Action, Adventure, Reviews, Xbox 360,

Grand Theft Auto San ANdreas

Somehow, 10 years have already passed since the release of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas--arguably the most innovative game in the series. To coincide with the recent anniversary, Rockstar re-released the game on Xbox 360, replacing the Games on Demand version with a slightly improved version. And while the game itself remains an enjoyable experience, this may not be the best way of revisiting it.

I find myself occasionally in the mood to play one of the classic GTA III-era games (GTA III, Vice City, and San Andreas), which are among my all-time favorite games. I typically ignore this compulsion or simply spend a few minutes with the iPhone version of GTA III; I get my small dose of nostalgia but invariably stop playing because, despite Rockstar's best efforts, these are not games that work well on a touchscreen.

An improved re-release of San Andreas was exciting news for me--while a release on Xbox One or PS4 would have been ideal, a cheap Xbox 360 version with improved graphics, better draw distance, and achievements sounds like a great way to revisit the game.

Click to continue reading Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is fun, but Xbox 360 HD remaster is rough


Get $20 in Xbox LIVE points with Grand Theft Auto V pre-order

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Hot Deals, Microsoft, Video Games,

Grand theft auto v free xbox points

If you're a gamer, chances are, you can't wait for the arrival of Grand Theft Auto V. The release is just under two weeks away, and there's a great deal being run by the Microsoft Store right now that will hook you up with $20 in Xbox Marketplace credit when you pre-order GTA V for Xbox 360. All you need to do it head on over the GTA V Microsoft Store page and buy the game. Oh, and, bonus! Free next day shipping if you use promo code freeshipesc2012-over during checkout.

Read More | GTA V + $20 Microsoft Points Credit

Petition for Grand Theft Auto 5 PC nears 50,000 signatures

Grand Theft Auto V PC

Mike Juliard's petition to get Rockstar to confirm the PC port of Grand Theft Auto 5 has surpassed 47,500 signatures, just 52,500 shy of his 100,000 goal.

From the petition: "GTA games have been a large part of so many peoples lives, and it’s a big shame not seeing the newest iteration of the game being released on the most powerful platform.”

One of the more pronounced reasons for a PC port is the mod community, as we've been privy to some amazing mods from GTA4 before it: “things like modifications have always been a HUGE part of PC gaming and modded GTA is some of the most insanely fun times you can have.”

According to Dan Houser of Rockstar, a PC port is "up for consideration," and this petition should do a lot to make Rockstar realize the PC audience's dedication to the franchise. Grand Theft Auto V is set for a Spring 2013 release.

Read More | PC Gamer

Tons of iPhone, iPad, iPod touch apps on sale today

iOS game sale

It's Memorial Day, and while we all remember those who've fought--and continue to fight--for our freedom, plenty of stores are also offering deals. For example, the Apple App Store is featuring a bunch of heavily discounted titles, some up to 90% off, for Memorial Day. We've got a list of some of the best deals below! Definitely the right time to stock up if you own an iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch (oh, and don't forget, you can jailbreak them all now too!):

Universal Apps (iPad, iPhone, iPad)

iPad Apps

iPhone Apps

Grand Theft Auto V trailer [Video]

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Action, PlayStation 3, Trailers, Xbox 360,

After months of speculation, Rockstar Games on Wednesday released a trailer for Grand Theft Auto V. In a little over a minute and 20 seconds, Rockstar sets the scene for the highly anticipated game and introduces what is presumably the main character.

The trailer answers a few questions. First of all, the game seems to be returning to the fictional state of San Andreas, specifically to Los Santos, a city based on Los Angeles. The narrator of the trailer also seems to be the main character. His voiceover suggests that he is a reformed criminal who has moved back to Los Santos to pursue a life on the straight and narrow.

He said he wanted to "retire ... from that line of work. Be a good guy for once. A family man." Gamers can assume that’s probably not going to be the case, as the trailer progresses into clips of car chases and holdups.

But this is all purely speculation at this point.

Click to continue reading Grand Theft Auto V trailer [Video]

Boy Tries To Drive After Playing Video Games

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Action, Driving,

GTAA 6 year-old boy in Virginia missed his school bus so he decided to take his parents’ car to school. During his time behind the wheel, he passed some cars, made a couple of 90º turns and ran off the road a few times. He eventually crashed after driving almost 6 miles, but suffered only minor injuries. His parents were then charged with child endangerment when it was found that his mom was asleep during the incident. The funny part of the story was that he told police he learned to drive while playing Grand Theft Auto and Monster Truck Jam. What we want to know is why the a kid that old would want to get to school so badly, although he claims it was for breakfast and PE class.

Read More | Miami Herald

GTA IV to Become Available for PC

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Corporate News, Video Games,

GTA IV Screenshot

Good news for PC Gamers. Take Two Rockstar Games has announced that it is releasing the computer version of Grand Theft Auto IV on Nov. 18 in North America as well as Nov. 21 in Europe. The version will include a newly expanded multi-player feature. Approximately 3.6 million units sold in its first day, and the company says that in its first week it generated $500 million.

Rockstar Games founder Sam Houser said, “We are very excited to be releasing the PC version of Grand Theft Auto IV. The whole team is dedicated to bringing an amazing gaming experience to the PC.”

We expect they are also looking forward to a greater profit.

Read More | Gamasutra

Bleeding Edge TV 282: E3 2008: Nintendo Announces Wii Sports Resort, Wii MotionPlus, WiiSpeak

At , put on quite a show at their keynote. Among the announcements were , a sequel to the much acclaimed Wii Sports, , a music creator with no talent required.  Also featured were Shaun White Snowboarding and Rayman Raving Rabbids TV Party, Grand Theft Auto Chinatown, Animal Crossing Cityfolk, Guitar Hero On Tour, Creatures, Star Wars: Clone Wars, and a new game.

Nintendo also announced new accessories, the , an add-on to the Wii Remote that adds real-to-life motion sensing; and , a set-top microphone that enables audio chat in online multiplayer games. Check out the video for the highlights, and don’t forget, we put up a full gallery of the event as well.

Saints Row 2 Announced

Saints Row 2 Logo

THQ announced that sequel to the GTA-style next gen game Saints Row is in the works. Saints Row was an Xbox 360 exclusive that followed the criminal underworld/open world model of Rockstar‘s key franchise pretty closely but included a character generator and several minor improvements that made it a hit with early 360 adopters.

Saints Row 2 takes place years after the original in the same city (Stillwater), but things have changed with the passage of time. As described in the press release, “Saints Row 2 has a much darker and more sinister story that leads your character down a path of betrayal, revenge and redemption against the city that has left him for dead.”

Unlike the original, which was a 360 exclusive, Saints Row 2 will be released on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 sometime in 2008.

Read More | Business Wire via GamerNode

New Grand Theft Auto IV Trailer In Three Days, And New Details

Posted by Chris Pereira Categories: Action, PlayStation 3, Trailers, Xbox 360,

Grand Theft Auto IV

In three days, the Internet is set to crash once again when the newest (the second of three) GTA IV trailer sees the light of day. Hopefully we’ll be seeing something more action-oriented this time around, as opposed to the first, which was more of a showcase for Liberty City than anything else. The video is titled “Looking for that Special Someone” and a special website is being prepped by Yahoo in order to withstand the insane amount of traffic it will receive once the trailer goes live. Anyone want to place bets on how long it’ll take for the site to crash?

Expect us to pick it apart piece by piece once it goes live, and later in the week Kyle and I will be debating over the excruciating details and nuances the trailer presents us with.

As an added bonus, last week, the Turkish Official Xbox Magazine revealed several tasty nuggets about GTA IV. Everyone loves lists, so I present you a list of GTA goodness:

  • There’s a slight vibration with every footstep when you run (sorry PS3 players)
  • No more HUD (health and armor indicators are gone), and instead everything is visual – if you have armor, you’ll see the bulletproof vest and it will visually deteriorates
  • Flamethrowers and rocket launchers are in the game
  • Explosions are larger, and the game features a missions where you cause a chain reaction of car explosions
  • Cars don’t explode from crashes or hitting them; you need to actually blow them up
  • Niko doesn’t get tired, he just begins running slower over time
  • The game is much more time-sensitive. An example that isn’t necessarily in the game was a mission where you need to catch a train by a certain time, and if you don’t, you don’t get to do that mission.
  • Gore is more prevalent; bullet wounds show, blood appears as you shoot people, they limp when shot in the leg, hold their arm if it’s shot, and running people over is “disturbing”
  • No more eating, working out or having a girlfriend, but skills improve over time
  • 100% completion yields secret vehicles and “plenty of goodies”
  • The land size is larger than the three cities (sans countryside) from San Andreas

No more girlfriends? Hooray!

Read More | Xbox Live Addicts
