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T-Mobile myTouch Google 3G Cell Phone

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories: Smartphones, Google, Handhelds,

T-Mobile myTouch 3G is already working on its next Google phone. So far a million of their s have sold since October. The myTouch 3G is set to debut in August. The new phone has a touchscreen but no keyboard like the G1 and will be priced at $199.00 with a 2 year contract. The software is free as Google would love to have Android for all phones. Both Verizon and Motorola seem to agree as they each have products in the works.

Read More | ABC


BlackBerry Popularity Tops iPhone

iPhone vs. BlackBerry

RIM has taken the top spot with its BlackBerry as the most popular smartphone in the first quarter of 2009. Their market share jumped 15%, giving it 50% of the market, while Apple and Palm each lost 10%. A study by NPD claims that aggressive promotions such as the “buy-one-get-one” Curve deal contributed to the popularity. The Storm came in third while the Pearl came in fourth. The G1 took the 5th spot. We expect that this may be a temporary position, as Apple will undoubtedly fight back.

[Editor: Oh, and of course, Apple didn’t do any sort of “buy one, get one” with the iPhone, which is certainly helping pad those BlackBerry numbers.]

Read More | Apple Insider

T-Mobile Sells 1 Million G1 Smartphones

Posted by Sheila Franklin Categories:

T-Mobile G1T-Mobile is proud to announce that they have sold more than a million of their Android-powered smartphones in about 6 months. Launched in October, the G1 slider with QWERTY keyboard and Google services obviously is worth the bucks that they spent on the ad campaign. Although the Storm only took half that time to reach a million and the iPhone merely a weekend, we expect that the good news will spur on Samsung, Sony Ericcson and Motorola to hop on the Android bandwagon.

Read More | Information Week

Five technology trends that will define 2009

This is a guest post by LaptopLogic - head over to them to find laptop reviews, laptop news and search their database for the best top rated laptops.

We are nearing the end of the first quarter of 2009, and we think that based on what we’ve seen happen already this year, combined with some announcements of things to come, that we can start to make sense of what 2009 will look like when we look back on it. For instance, we think consumers will see a number of technological advancements in the devices they buy—the laptops, media players, gaming systems, and televisions. That’s always the case. However, we think there are a handful of trends that will dominate the consumer technology market, and we thought we’d take a look at five of them here. Let’s get started:

GPS Everywhere

GPS Everything
It seems that mobile phones and can’t be kept apart these days. With the release of Apple’s wildly successful iPhone 3G, GPS has become a standard feature on many of today’s advanced mobile devices.

While GPS used to be reserved for geeky standalone gadgets, like that of a Garmin or Tom Tom, being able to locate yourself wirelessly is now firmly in the realm of cell phones. And that’s just the start. Expect to see GPS penetrating a greater number of tech devices in 2009.

Click to continue reading Five technology trends that will define 2009

T-Mobile G1 unboxing gallery

T-Mobile G1 inner box

We’re in the midst of getting our reviewed, but in the meantime, we wanted to show off the looks and unboxing experience of the phone. Obviously, the G1 is the first publicly available phone that is based on the Google platform, and if you are on T-Mobile, we think it’s the phone to have. This is obviously T-Mobile’s answer to the , and it’s good to see that other companies are trying to innovate and catch up, with the aim of putting out great phones. With Android, the G1 software is even more open than that of the iPhone OS. We’ll get into all that in our review of the phone, but for now enjoy the shots in our T-Mobile G1 unboxing gallery.

You can pick up a G1 at the T-Mobile site, we even recommended the G1 in our Holiday Gift Guide.

Read More | T-Mobile G1 unboxing gallery


Holiday Gift Guide 2008: T-Mobile G1

T-Mobile G1We’ve been messing with our for a few days now, in preparation for a full review, but we are confident enough in the device to list it here in our Holiday Gift Guide. The T-Mobile G1 is the first phone on the market that features Google’s Android OS. Along with the Google love, the G1 features 3G speeds, a physical QWERTY keyboard, and a 3 megapixel camera. The software itself features all the goodness you’d expect from Google, meaning integration with Gmail, Google Docs, YouTube, and Google Maps with the super-cool Street View Compass mode. There’s also a store that allows you to download apps, games, and the like. If you want to get someone a smartphone, and they are on T-Mobile, this is the one to get. You can pick it up from T-Mobile for $179.

Read More | T-Mobile G1

T-Mobile G1 Unlock Now Available

The phone hit store shelves barely a week ago, and in the race to unlock it, the guys at Unlock-TMobileG1.com receive the first place trophy. Seriously, did you think they’d give it to you for free? If that was your plan, you’d better wait for a more charitable group to figure things out – or keep your T-Mobile account in good standing for 90-days, after which they’ll be happy to unlock it for you. If patience isn’t your virtue in this particular instance, fork over the $23 and enjoy your liberated G1 right now.

Check out the above video for a demonstration of the unlocking process.

Read More | Unlock T-Mobile G1 via Android Community

T-Mobile G1 gets unboxed

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Cell Phones, Handhelds,

T-Mobile G1 unboxed

The arrives later this month (October 22, to be exact), and the peeps over at TMo News have already got their hands on one, all boxed up. The next logical step was to snap images of the unboxing process, which they’ve done swimmingly. If you want to see what all is included in the package, now’s your chance. Hey, it comes with a carrying pouch, isn’t that enough of a reason to click over?

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TMo News

A look at Google Mobile on T-Mobile G1

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Smartphones, Design, Google, Handhelds, Videos,

If you are curious about how services will work on the Android platform, Eric from Google is here to give us a look. Google products like search, maps, YouTube, Gmail, contacts, calendar, and Google Talk are all included in the Android operating system used by the T-Mobile G1. Basically, you sign in to your Google account once, and all your information syncs to the web. Any changes made on the web sync back to your phone. It’s like a free version of - yeah, I said it. Check out the video above for a walkthrough of Google features on the G1.

T-Mobile G1 details

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Smartphones, Google, Handhelds,

T-Mobile G1

This morning, T-Mobile and Google held the press conference to announce the first phone to officially launch with the Android OS, the T-Mobile G1. You are going to hear a lot of people comparing this one to the , so let’s jump in to the feature set. The G1 sports 3G, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi, a 3-megapixel camera, is based on a fully open-source OS. The Android OS gives you access to the Android Market (think of that as being similar to the ), as well as built-in support for Amazon’s MP3 store, for downloading music on the go. Even cooler, in our opinion, are the things that are real firsts in the mobile phone space - Push Gmail, and Google Maps with Street View.

You can pick up the T-Mobile G1 on October 22, at a nice price of $179.99 with a 2-year agreement. If you can’t wait to spend the cash, you can even pre-order one now at the G1 website. If you are over in the UK, it’s yours in November, while the Netherlands, Austria, Germany, and Czech Republic will have to wait until sometime in the first quarter of 2009.

Read More | T-Mobile G1 product page
