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Top 10 most popular Bleeding Edge TV episodes of 2008

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Accessories, Apple, CES, CES 2008, Features, Home Entertainment, Microsoft, PC / Laptop, Video Games,
The end of another year is upon us, and that means that our humble little tech video show, Bleeding Edge TV, is turning 3 years old. We figured we’d highlight the ten episodes that you guys watched most over the past year in this recap. We find it hilarious that the most watched video just happened to be the one where one of us willingly got tasered during CES, but hey, why should we be surprised? Aside from that, video games seemed to be popular, as well as some straight up hardware. Hit the jump for the full list.
Oh, and while you’re at it, go ahead and check out the 10 most popular videos from 2007 as well.
Click to continue reading Top 10 most popular Bleeding Edge TV episodes of 2008
Bleeding Edge TV 292: Wii Sports Resort preview

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: High Score, Short Bytes, Accessories, Features, Home Entertainment, Podcasts, Video Games, Videocasts, Videos,
Wii Sports is one of the most popular and accessible console pack-in games of all time, so it’s only natural that Nintendo would want to follow up with a paid offering. That’s where Wii Sports Resort comes in. The sequel to Wii Sports will be the first game to be compatible with the Wii MotionPlus add-on, which feature 1:1 mapping of your Wiimote. The game will come bundled with the MotionPlus device and an extended Wii Remote Jacket, both of which will also be sold separately. Games announced to be included (so far) are: Frisbee (Disc Dog), Jet Skiing, and Kendo, with more to come. Wii Sports Resort will launch in Spring 2009.
Bleeding Edge TV 291: Animal Crossing: City Folk preview

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: High Score, Short Bytes, Accessories, Features, Home Entertainment, Podcasts, Video Games, Videocasts, Videos,
Animal Crossing is on of the main Nintendo franchises that many a gamer has been waiting to see hit Wii since the console launched. We were able to catch up with Janet Braulio of Nintendo to get a look at some of the gameplay features, WiiSpeak integration, as well as what we can expect with the game drops this November. This is definitely one we are looking forward to getting our hands on.
Asfar as what sets this apart from other Animal Crossing experences you may have had in the past, Katsuya Eguchi, leader of Animal Crossing’s production development, stated, “someone could send a letter from their cellphone or from an email address on a PC to the Wii, and then the player living in the town in Animal Crossing could receive that letter.” In another interview with IGN, Katsuya Eguchi also discussed how his team continues exploring potential ways to take advantage of the WiiConnect24 feature such as allowing friends to visit other towns or leave messages while the machine is in standby mode.
You can pick up Animal Crossing: City Folk in the US on November 16.
Bleeding Edge TV 289: Rock Band 2 preview video

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: High Score, Short Bytes, Features, Home Entertainment, Music, Podcasts, Software, Video Games, Videocasts, Videos,
We are right around the corner from the release of Rock Band 2, so we figured we would bring you this extensive preview of the game, starring the makers of the game themselves, Harmonix. We bring you a 15-minute primer, focusing on all the new hotness in the next iteration of Rock Band, including the tracks, features, and instruments. We also go in to a little of the history behind the Rock band franchise and the reason it came about (other than seeing that Guitar Hero was a raging success, we mean.) We end it with a demo of the game, with a couple of people teaming up to form bands on the fly. If you are into Rock band, this is definitely one to watch.
Bleeding Edge TV 288: TNA iMPACT! Preview: Christy Hemme & Christopher Daniels interview

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: High Score, Short Bytes, Features, Home Entertainment, Podcasts, Software, Video Games, Videocasts, Videos,
At E3 2008, we got the opportunity to chat with TNA Knockout Christy Hemme along with “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels about the upcoming TNA iMPACT! video game. Christy and Chris give us their take on what we can expect from Midway’s first outing with the TNA brand, and after we are done chatting with them, we jump right into a preview of the Ultimate X match. A TNA exclusive, you won’t find this mode in the Smackdown vs. RAW series - if you are curious how the mode works, hit the video to get a nice, long look, as Samoa Joe goes head to head with Chris Sabin.
TNA iMPACT! hits stores shelves on September 9, and will be available on Xbox 360 and Playstation 3.
E3 2008: Street Fighter IV first look

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: High Score, Short Bytes, Features, Home Entertainment, Podcasts, Software, Video Games, Videocasts, Videos,
During E3 2008, we got the opportunity to chat with CAPCOM‘s Seth Killian about the much anticipated Street Fighter IV. Seth gives us some insight into the development of the next generation of Street Fighter, and then demos a few of the new characters for us, our favorite being El Fuerte, the luchador chef. He shows off some of the super moves, the 2D/3D play mechanics, and let’s us know which characters he uses to win tournaments. We also talk to Seth about the upcoming Xbox Live Arcade and PSN title, Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix.
We are definitely looking forward to getting our hands on Street FIghter IV for an extended period of time.
E3 2008: Cooking Mama World Kitchen Wii Preview

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: High Score, Short Bytes, Features, Home Entertainment, Podcasts, Software, Video Games, Videocasts, Videos,
For those of you out there who are fans of the Cooking Mama series of games for the Nintendo DS and Wii, you may be delighted to know that Majesco is about ready to spring the second installment of the Wii portion of the series on you, coming this October. We were able to get a quick demo of the game during E3 2008, and immediately realized that the successor to the original seems to be a better game all around. Specifically, a lot of the frustrating actions you needed to do in the original are replaced by very intuitive Wii Remote actions that anyone can pull off. Also, if you mess up, you aren’t pretty much eliminated like you were the first time around. A few new game modes round things out. Hit the video for all the details, and prepare yourself for more cartoony kitchen battles.
E3 2008: Flock demoed by CAPCOM

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Full Episodes, High Score, Features, Podcasts, Software, Video Games, Videocasts, Videos,
We were able to spend some time with CAPCOM during E3 2008, and they gave us a look at their very fun herding simulator, Flock. Yes, a herding simulator, but they are referring to it as more of a sandbox puzzle game. What they mean by that is that there are many ways to solve any given level, and the user can get creative and choose a method that is most fun for them.
The point of the game is to move farm animals around a quilt-like environment using a UFO of sorts. The quilt is where the world lies, and everything in the game looks to be stitched together, which gives it quite a bit of charm. Depending on how you herd the animals, and change the level, you affect that different ways that you can solve each puzzle. The game is similar to Lemmings, will support co-op online gaming, and will have over 50 levels. If that isn’t enough, there will also be a level editor for you to play with, and you can share any custom level you build online as well. The game will be released on Xbox Live Arcade, Playstation Network, and PC.
Check out the full demo in this episode, and watch out for the awesome Rube Goldberg level near the end.
E3 2008: Sony Media Briefing Highlights

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Full Episodes, High Score, Features, Home Entertainment, Podcasts, Video Games, Videocasts, Videos,
During E3 2008, we hit up the Sony Media Briefing to get a look at all announcements related to the PS3, PS2, and PSP. We bring you the best of the best in this episode, showing off games like Resistance 2, MAG, LittleBigPlanet, DC Universe Online, and others for the PLAYSTATION 3. Of course, there is also a bunch of portable PSP goodness, and even some PS2 love as well. Hit the video for all the details.
Also, if you want all the notes, we’ve got the Sony E3 2008 Media Briefing live coverage, and even a full photo gallery of the highlights as well.
Live from Sony’s E3 2008 Media Briefing

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Action, Adventure, Corporate News, Downloadable Content, E3, Features, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, Portable/Mobile, PSP, Sony, Sports,
We’ve got notes galore for you as it pertains to the Sony E3 2008 Media Briefing, and we’ve also got a full gallery from the event for you as well. As if that weren’t enough, we’ve even got E3 2008 Sony Media Briefing video highlights as well. Anyhow, here’s the scoop, live from the Sony event.
Jack Tretton hits the stage after a montage of upcoming games for PS3, PS2, and PSP. He starts joking around and giving a brief history of the Shrine Auditorium. Playstation brand was seeded 15 years ago this week, where Sony decided to create it’s own videogame console. He talks about the long-term 10 year strategies employed into the Playstation and Playstation 2. Says there were marquee games for those titles, but they came out years after teh console debut. Same for the Playstation 3. He gives some props to PS3 as well, talking about Blu-ray and the Cell processor.
“We’re here to talk about genre-defining kick-ass games” - alright, let’s do it. That would be a big change from what Nintendo had to offer us. Games like Metal Gear Solid 4 is the reason why you buy a Playstation 3. Over 75 titles are exclusive to the console. Today Sony has three successful platforms on the market at once. They start with PS3.
Click to continue reading Live from Sony’s E3 2008 Media Briefing