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Top 10 Tech Deals of the Day

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We've got your latest list of items that fall under the best tech Deals of the Day for you, separated out into laptops, desktops, monitors, gaming, and home entertainment. The laptop deals are right here, but be sure to click through to get a look at all the rest of what we determined to be today's top 10 deals in tech, including that Gears of War 3 Limited Edition console bundle up there!


Don’t forget, if you’re looking for other deals, be sure to check out our Newegg Promo Code thread. Oh, and if you're on Twitter, be sure to follow @TechPromos for the latest deals, or you can Like TechPromos on Facebook.

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Duke Nukem Forever delayed. Again.

We've played "Duke Nukem Forever." We swear we've played it. We've even brought back proof that we played it. And when we played it, Gearbox president Randy Pitchford promised us—promised us!—unequivocally that the game would be released May 3. Today, word has emerged that the game is being delayed until June 14 in the United States and June 10 internationally.

We're crushed, but we suppose we shouldn't be surprised. Duke Nukem Forever is the most-delayed title in the modern history of game development. Originally slated for release in 1997—and that's not a typo—this sequel to 1996's "Duke Nukem 3D" has seen countless changes of hands, vanishing and reappearing developers, lawsuits, and more trade shows than PCMag's intrepid staff. It's even won Wired's Vaporware of the Year of the Award more than once—several times after it received a 2004 lifetime achievement award.

Click to continue reading Duke Nukem Forever delayed. Again.

GDC 2009: Too Little, Too Late, Mr. Nukem

Posted by Alex Lifschitz Categories: First Person Shooters,

Duke Nukem Forever

You know those stories when a guy is presumed dead for a while, so his wife remarries and has kids and now loves another, and then the guy comes back and expects everything to be just like it was before?

Just asking.
